Romantic Escape.....

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Elena P.O.V

Yesterday may have been one of the worst days ever. Firstly with John turning up and increasing the tension in the house by blurting that he was my biological father. Which didn't go down well with Jenna as I never actually got around to tell her, I just didn't know how to even break that news to her. Right now she feels hurt and betrayed as she was the last to know, I wanted to try and fix things with her but Siena suggested that I should give her time to cool down. I was grateful to have Siena around because she always knew what to say to make me feel at ease with an awkward situation. Of course the news of John return got around and his number one hater aka Damon was on the war path to murder him, but Siena had that situation under control. I loved to see how happy she was after everything that had happen, and as much as I'm not Damon fan he makes my sister happy that's all that matters.

Siena couldn't wrap around in her mind of why John had such a hate fan club, and Damon didn't want to explain to her. Maybe because he knew that if he started to explain the whole situation he might slip up the fact that our mom wasn't dead, but in fact a vampire who was turn by him. I think that Damon biggest fear that when Siena learns of all this it would change everything for the worst, and in all honestly that's my fear too. So I thought to give her a run down about everything what had happened of course I excluded the parts that had any connection to Isobel. Once Siena knew everything her attitude changed and she totally understood why there was so much friction. When John tried to tell Siena about how Isobel wouldn't have approved of her relationship with Damon she surly set him straight, like who did he think he is trying to get involved in her life.

The John issue was nothing compared to what I found out later in the day from Stefan, apparently Tyler had learnt everything about Mason disappearance through Jules. That wasn't the worst part of it, because Stefan had taken Tyler to try and explain the whole situation from our view Jules decided to kidnap Caroline. This was all getting out of control, the worst part was when Damon learnt all this he was on full vengeance mode to kill Tyler. Of course Siena was trying to make him see sense that killing Tyler wasn't an option, the thing that I admire about her so much is the fact that she wasn't saying it all because he was our friend, but the fact she was trying to save Damon from himself. I tried to courage him also to be the better man, but he totally lost it.

So Siena went off being upset about the situation that happened, while I was kept behind by John at Damon request. I wasn't happy about this as my friends were all endanger including Stefan, so I had to sit around expecting to hear the worst. It turned out the deal with Elijah went in our favour as his witch literally saved their lives. Stefan was concerned about Caroline after the ordeal she went through with those werewolves torturing her, he suggested that Bonnie and I stay with her to make sure she was okay. Of course when we turned up Caroline had this big brave face in front of Stefan tell him that she was fine, but both Bonnie and I knew she was far from it. As soon as she saw us she caved in and let her emotions out. What I came to realise that night was that I really did have the sweetest boyfriend ever.

We had a great sleep over, it really felt like old time, you know before all this craziness came into our lives when we were all normal teenagers. Our night consisted of eating ice cream, watching Caroline favourite move the Note book for the million time, but it made her happy that all that mattered. I couldn't even tell you what time we fell asleep, but right now with the sunlight filling up in the room I didn't want to wake up. I heard my phone ringing, I reach out to grab it, and as I did I fell out of Caroline bed as I answer it.

"Hello?" I was still half a sleep I didn't even see who calling cause I was still exhausted, I knew that ringing would have woken up Caroline and Bonnie.

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