Masquerade Ball Part 1.....

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Siena P.O.V

As I rouse from a heavy slumber the first thing I'm aware of is that my head was killing me, I swear I had the mother of all hang overs. I am never, I mean never going to drink like that again, I can't keep up with Damon, and last night is the last time I'll do that. As I looked up at the ceiling it felt like the room was spinning, and this pulsing sensation at the back of my head. What the hell were we drinking? I've never felt like this after a night out, I could feel a pair of arms around me. I turned my head to see Damon sleeping peacefully, he looks so adorable when his sleeping. When I looked at him I had this feeling, it was strange because it took me a while to feel like this with Nic. You know the feeling? The butterflies that fill and flutter in your stomach? The huge, uncontrollable smile you do and can't help to stop? Better yet, to the point where you can't even say a single word because of it? The silly giddiness that takes over? The exciting, feeling, plus being overjoyed? Yeah that feeling. I know I sounded stupid because I hardly knew Damon, but it wasn't just about sex between us. Don't get me wrong the sex is something out of this world, but when you have a connection with someone. When you feel so strong for someone even in a short time, just a kiss is enough to make your knees weak, not many people can say they have that, you just can't beat that feeling.

I slowly turned over to face him, trying not to wake him in the processes, he was sleeping like a baby I don't think Damon could be easily woken up. I began to think about last night, he was so determined to beat me at pool after how he messed up the first time we played. He really wasn't falling for none of my little tactic to distract him during the match, but he sure made me pay for it after. Which I didn't mind whatsoever, that was another quality I liked about him, he could be serious, but he had this great playful side to him, which I really liked. Putting aside all my gushy feeling for Damon, I needed to go and see Elena today, it was so messed up what happened to her aunt, now that's what you call a freak accident. The saying don't play with knives comes into mind, not saying that what she was doing, but to accidentally stab yourself with sharp knife kind of crazy.

"Good morning sunshine, how's your hangover?" Damon spoke with this huge grin on his face, as he wrapped his arms tightly around me closing the space between us.

"I don't have one, I'm perfectly fine." I know I was lying to him, and clearly he could see that because of the smirk on his face, but I drank more than I did last night and woken up fine. He leaned forward placing a tender kiss on my lips. "Damon..." I began to twist my lip, as I didn't know how to come out with what was playing on my mind. I mean we knew each other for couple of days and I just wanted to be clear about what this was between us. I felt so stupid to say are we couple, you know how kids do in school. I wanted to know what we were, I know I was slowly falling for him which frighten the life out of me, but it also gave me that happy feeling too. I guess why I was frighten is that I was falling for him a lot faster than any other guy. I've been in love twice, my first love was Lucas, but that was more puppy love, whereas with Nic it was that real intense kind of love, but this with Damon felt beyond that and that frightened me.

"Yes beautiful." As he spoke he snapped me out of my thoughts, what I'm going to say? 'Siena come out with it don't be a chicken he clearly likes you'. I focused back on his face trying to read something, some kind of indication if it was a right time to say this, but the way he looking at me was kind of in a loving way.

"What is this?" I gesturing me and him, a smirk appeared on his face as he pulled me so I was on top of him. I swear he done it so fast that I didn't feel any movement, I looked down at him waiting for him to say something. He began to move my hair from my face and while gentle caressing my cheek, there was a look in his eyes like he wanted to say something but was holding back.

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