Need To Sober Up......

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Siena P.O.V

After sending Damon the message I laid on the bed reflecting with everything that went on today, wow I'm such a baby for running away, but it was the shock of it all. Not that I had a sister but the fact that she went through the same, it wasn't her fault that our mom gave us both away. Why was I so frighten to speak to her? I mean when I knew her as this really sweet girl who introduced me to her friends I was fine, now knowing she's my sister I freak. Maybe it's because I would have to open up to her, Elena wasn't exactly going to bite me, you know just thinking about my reaction I just want to slap myself. I got up from the bed and went over to the bar to pour myself a drink, and drained it instantly. I just wanted to block out all this thinking I was doing and I knew just a way to do that, it involved a lot of alcohol and music. I got my phone from the side and placed it in the docking station and put my happy beats playlist, (Neyo Let me Love you Video I at the side) my favourite song at the moment came on I turned the volume up. I saw my phone flash I picked it up, causing the music to stop, I had a new message from Damon. I'm sure Elena and Stefan told him what had happened, that I was being a bitch and running off. Well let's see what he has to say, I opened the message.

Damon: Of course I will come. Text the details of where you're staying.

I replied back with the hotel details to him, I poured another drink I think I had a drinking problem again I hadn't consumed this much alcohol since my break up with Nic. Would you believe it happened 2 days before my 18th birthday, yeah it sucked but then again I finally saw him for who he was. I hadn't really thought about him much since I finally got over him, which was pretty quick because of the bomb shell that was dropped in my life about being adopted. With everything that went on since then kind of made me forget him. Nic and I were together since I was 16, he was a lot older than me in his late twenties, but I was quite mature for my age due to the life style I lived being in the lime light.

Nic was good looking guy dark blond hair with blue/green eye a mischievous smile which would show his dimples. Oh that British accent it was to die for. He did treat me well actually he treated me like a princess always sending me gifts taking me to the finest restaurant he was the perfect gentleman. I kept our relationship hidden from my parents for a about year, I didn't know if they would approve with him being older, but it would have been longer if he didn't insist to meet them. The night when Nic did meet my parents they really got on well, clicked from the get go which made me happy. That night wasn't filled with happiness, my friend Thea and I were on the outs, and she really didn't approve of Nic. She had it in her head that he had some big mystery behind him, that she recalled seeing him when she was a child and he hadn't changed one bit. She and I ended up having a argument and words were said, many of them I regret because on that night Thea was attacked at the party. She received such trauma to her head that early hours of the morning she passed away, I vowed to find the person who did that to her and make sure they paid for their crime. I was a total wreck I couldn't think straight. The only person who helped me through it all was Nic, regardless of every mean thing that Thea had said about him, he was there supporting me through one of the hardest times in my life. Finding the person who did this to her was harder than I thought, all odds were against me each and every time I got close to some kind of evidence, but Thea maybe gone but never forgotten that was for sure.

I bet your wondering why we broke up. Well he tells me that he was leaving New York for good with no explanation, I mean after you been with someone for nearly 2 years you want to know why they are leaving. Nope not Nic, it was like nice knowing you Siena have a great life. I was broken, totally devastated and Blair wasn't going to have me moping at home crying over it all. So that night me and Blair went to club, the night was great I didn't even think of Nic at all. As I was going to the bathroom I saw this guy and girl making out didn't think anything about it. I went and done my business I came out and I heard a familiar voice say 'Sweet heart why don't we take this back to my place' I knew that voice all too well. When I looked over and the guy who was making out with the girl was Nic, I felt my blood boil as I watched him all over her. I startle him when I called him a few choice curse words, of course he was trying to explain himself, but I wasn't stupid, like how many times had he done this while we were together. Simple I say he cheated on me, but I'm sure if would ask him he would say otherwise. Anyway forget him, his my past and that where he will stay going forward not backwards.

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