Salvatore You Take Things On Another Level.....

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Elena P.O.V

What was meant to be a romantic revive turned into another supernatural drama, this time the werewolves struck the lake house and the boarding house. What was sad about it all is that they brainwashed Tyler to take me, also that they would stop this stupid moonstone curse. That wasn't the worst part of it all, nope, Damon had been doing investigating about this agreement with Elijah, and the truth behind it all came out. They knew that I was going to hand myself over and the sacrifice was going to happen that will lead to my death, and that Siena will do whatever it is that Klaus wants from her. We chose to do this to protect the ones we love, neither Siena nor I wanted anyone to die because of the fate that had been place upon us. Of course Stefan didn't see it that way, he saw what we were planning on doing was tragic, that we hadn't lived a life to just give up. That he and Damon would do everything in their power to protect us, as poetically beautiful that is to have these two knights in shining armour wanting to save us. There was no way that Siena and I would let them end their lives for us, that's the thing about love, Love is not something you protect. It's something you risk

After the argument with Stefan last night we hadn't really spoken, in fact he didn't even come up to bed I knew that wasn't a good sign as we never go to sleep on a argument. He and Damon couldn't understand why me and Siena were doing this to protect them, to protect our family, our friend, trying to explain this to either of them was going to be a losing battle. With what I found out from Stefan about Siena had been playing on my mind, that she wasn't exactly human. She was some kind of half- blood that her blood was special, none of us had no idea what that even meant. Was he planning on draining her for some other kind of ritual? No that can't be it because Elijah would have said, I mean he had been brutally honest about everything else. Or may he had mentioned something to Siena and she's kept quiet about it, but would she really keep that to herself?

I tried to stop thinking about it because all I was doing is drive myself insane with all these speculations, I picked up one of Jonathan Gilbert's journals. Maybe reading some of this might stop me from worrying about what might be. As I began to read the journal I couldn't believe what I was reading, it was account of Stefan killing Jonathan Gilbert and the Fell's too. I was trying to wrap around in my mind that the Stefan I knew actually did that. They spoke of him being a monster, the description of everything was gruesome, I couldn't see him being that a 'Real Monster'. I looked out the window at Stefan who was on the dock skipping stones across the lake. I couldn't take it all in, everything I was reading just felt like I was reading some kind of horror novel, but it wasn't it was all fiction. I knew he had killed people, but to sit hear and read it from one of my ancestors point of view it just doesn't seem like the man I'm in love with. The man who feeds off animal blood, who so caring and loving, who is willing to protect the ones that matter to him most. I watched as Stefan answered his phone with worrisome look, I hope there wasn't anything wrong at home. I pulled out my phone and brought up Siena number on the screen, I pressed the call button and it began to ring after a few rings she had picked up.

"Morning Elena." From the sound of her voice I knew she wasn't okay, I just hope after what happened to her last night that Damon wasn't a jerk to her. I know he loves her more than anything and he probably just as upset as Stefan is about this deal, but going all crazy at her wasn't going to help.

"Hey Siena, how are you?" I concerned even more now, maybe it would be best for me to leave here and be by her side.

"Do you really wanna know, I mean you and Stefan went away to get away from all this crap here." Siena was defiantly upset, whatever had happened I wanted to know that she was ok, I didn't care that I came out here to get away from it all.

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