Sorrow & Mourning.....

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  • Dedicated to Danni Lawrence

Damon P.O.V

I've been sitting here the last 10 minutes get lectured from the one and only Miss Katherine Pierce on how stupid I was to tell Klaus I was the one who let go Caroline and Tyler. I mean she was full blown going crazy at me, I didn't know she actually cared so much which was very unlike Katherine. Well that was until she told me about her conversation today with Siena. Siena actually came here to hand herself over to save Elena life, Katherine convinced her not to which in fact shocked me. I thought she would of used Siena willing to hand herself over as a way to bargain her life from Klaus, but she didn't this wasn't a side to Katherine I was used to seeing. She made Siena see sense? Katherine blew my mind with everything she was telling me. She was right I'm freaking stupid that every mistake I made has brought me to this point. Katherine was staring at my werewolf bite, looking a little concerned.

"So that's what a werewolf bite looks like." She said examine it, please god don't let her start again I feel guilty enough doing this to Siena.

"Yep." She looked up at me with sympathy in her eyes, I knew I had totally messed up already, I really didn't need Katherine tell me once again.

"It's not that bad." I knew she was trying to make me feel better, but I've seen from first-hand what a werewolf bite does to a vampire.

"Will be." I got up, I needed to get home and see to Siena, as she was in a state with Elena being taken. Now I had to let deal with the fact that I had been bitten by a werewolf and she would lose me too.

"So that's it? You're just... Going to die?" I looked at her, seriously what did she want me to do?

"Well, that depends you know anything about a cure?" She doesn't answer. "Me, either." I puts my jacket on, I had to face facts that my time was up, and it had been one crazy ride, to have it end with finding the love of my life and having to leave her behind was going to be hard.

"145 years and no last good-bye?" I'm so not in the mood for this right now, I had to go home and face my girlfriend.

"You don't get a good-bye." She intercepts me, I didn't want to say any kind of good bye to her not after what she put me through for 146 years.

"No. Don't leave mad." Why didn't she want us to be on bad terms? Katherine never cared about why she going to break that habit, there was bad blood between us nothing can never repair that.

"Us ending on up on good terms isn't exactly on my bucket list. Even if you did talk Siena out of handing herself over, something tells me you didn't do it out of the kindness of your heart." Katherine actually seemed hurt by that comment, but all I was stating was facts, she had only ever looked out for one person and that was herself.

"Klaus made me call Jenna to lure her out, there was nothing that I could do. I didn't have a choice." She had the choice but chose to think about herself like always, the whole reason why I gave her the vervain was to allow her to have a goddamn choice.

"That's why I gave you the vervain, so you had a choice." I don't know why I even did it, she will never change she will always put herself first no matter what.

"It was her or me. I chose her." There was no saving Katherine and I'm not going to waste my time with her anymore.

"I helped you, you owed me now when Klaus dies, and you're going to walk out of here without a scratch and Elena's aunt dies. Somehow you're the only one that wins how'd that happen?" I felt like I want to explode at her why did Katherine always have away with everything.

"I didn't let love get in the way." Katherine is a very lonely person and she will always be, it makes me grateful that I didn't allow what she did to me change my view on love. I had find my perfect match, literally the other half of me, I would never change a thing about it.

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