Welcome To New York.....

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Siena P.O.V

I woke up at 6am, I didn't sleep well at all last night, after spending the day with Rose seeing her slowly dying in front of my eyes it had left a few scars. It was like reliving what happened to my grandmother, but a thousand times worse. I did do something productive last night and that was get us a ticket to fly out to New York today, just thinking about seeing my parents and being back in the city I love brought a smile to my face. I got out of bed and looked into the mirror, I looked terrible my eyes were all swollen and red due, to me crying myself to sleep. I kept thinking about the last words that Damon told me. 'That would be human of me, wouldn't it Siena? And I'm not human; you want to talk about giving up? That's all you've done is given up! Go home. It's been enough doom, gloom, and personal growth for one night'. That all that kept going through my mind just those words. With Damon reminding me that he wasn't human that was a reality check for me, that was something I tend to forget. His is a vampire, what do vampires do? They kill for the blood; they will kill an innocent human for the sake of their thirst. In truth Damon Salvatore could never love me, not really love me, just my presence around him was a constant tease, hearing my blood pumping through my veins. It would never worked between us, I was human and he wasn't, and that was that.

I went into the bathroom got into the shower it felt great having the warm water hit my body, I still felt achy from running for my life from Rose. Once I was done I got out of the shower, wrapped a towel round me, then went into the bedroom. I had packed all my belongings in my suitcase last night, but left out my outfit for today, I went over to my dresser and began to dry my hair I really couldn't be bothered to do anything, I'm hoping my attitude will change once I'm back home. I really wanna show Elena an amazing time, even if we are due to die soon I wanted to give her at least one day of fun, show her what New York has to offer. I finished drying my hair I put some makeup on to hide the deserter I called my face, I can't believe how bad it looked. I layered the foundation on to hide all the redness. Once I was done I took off my towel and put my underwear on, I walked over to my bed and got changed. I picked something simple to travel in, black jeans with a black tank top and my black blazer leather jacket along with black heels. I looked totally out of charter as I'm always full of colours, but the way I felt today was like someone had died, I know Xander was dead along with Rose, but I felt that a part of me died yesterday too.

I checked the room over to make sure I hadn't left anything behind, and then I grabbed my case and walked out of the room before closing the door, I took one final look. I walked out and closed the door behind me I went down in the elevator, when it hit the ground floor I went straight over to the reception, it was time for me to do all the formalities of leaving.

"Good Morning Miss Russo." The young lady spoke all perky behind the desk smiling, I had nothing to really smile about, I just wanted to be gone and forget about this place.

"Morning, I'm going to be checking out, here is my room key." She took the card from me and had a surprised expression, I guess it had to do with the fact that my dad had paid a couple of month in advance.

"Did you enjoy your stay here?" I gave her a fake smile; I weren't in the mood for any of this right now, but of course I had to my best to be polite.

"Yes it was a great, thank you for the wonderful service, but I'm in a rush I have a plane to catch. Do I need to sign anything before I leave?" She pulled out some paper work from behind the desk, I knew it wasn't as cut dry as hand my key and leave. They give this paper work for the charges to the room and to authorize it all, I didn't even want to look thought it to see it was correct.

"You just need check it all over and sign here, just to say you have given me your room key, and confirm all the charges." I smiled at her and signed the paper without even seeing how much I've been charge for room service and countless bottle of alcohol I've consumed. "It's been a pleasure to have you as one of our guest here Miss Russo." I gave her another fake smile before leaving, I wanted to ease all memories of even being here.

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