How Death Can Change A Person.....

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Elena P.O.V

Over the last few days things had been crazy, from going to Slater apartment and getting one step closer to Klaus, to having the guys who was going to take us murdered before our eyes. Not forgetting that Rose totally told on us which lead to Damon making his grand appearance, which might have made matter a little worse between him and Siena. Elijah killing those guys and disappearing was playing on my mind a hell of a lot on our journey home, why would he do that? Well my questioned were answered when he magically turned up at my home, while Siena and I were on lock down due to attempting to take the moonstone. Apparently we had been tested I kind of expected something like this, but Siena was new to all this and how far the Salvatore and our friends would go. Elijah was sneaky by getting in contact with Jenna all so he could get closer to us, I didn't like the idea of him involving my family. I was scared at hell because now my hands were truly tied, Elijah could come into my house at will and I couldn't do anything about it.

It really did work to his advantage because as soon as I wanted to warn Jeremy about it, Elijah appeared and stopped me from warning him. He wanted us to talk and there wasn't actually a choice about it, so we had to hear him out. I am thankful that we did because in the end we find out more about Siena, he called her dimidium sanguine, which meant in plain English as in half-blood. Siena tried to get more information about what that all meant, but Elijah wasn't willing to disclose that just of yet. All he wanted was to cut a deal, that Siena and I live our lives that our family and friends would be protected, to not go on some mission to handing ourselves over until the time came that Elijah would want us to draw Klaus out. It all sounded all too good to be true, and probably the safer version to do all this. Siena was constantly challenging Elijah for his motives, that what did he expect to achieve from all this, that when he told us he planned on killing Klaus. This left the both of us surprised as we thought Elijah was on Klaus side, clearly he wasn't. If Elijah wanted us to do this for him I wanted something from him, and if he had this much power that he had witches up his sleeve then he could help with the predicament with Stefan.

Elijah kept to his word Stefan was let out of the tomb, he also assured me that Katherine would stay rotting in there that alone made me happy. When Stefan was released the first thing he did was come to the house, I was sceptical if Elijah could do this, but I was proven wrong. There he was standing few feet away from me, in that moment everything I was holding against us being in a relationship just faded away. I wasn't going to allow nothing else to stop us from being together, if I've learnt anything over the last few weeks that is life is too precious. I wasn't going to waste another moment being apart from Stefan, I didn't know how much time I had until Elijah plan went into play, but what I knew is whatever time I had I wanted to be with him. I didn't tell Stefan about what Elijah had planned or I told him was we made an agreement, of course he tried to get it out of me, but I wasn't going to tell him, well not just yet. When he told me about his idea of getting in touch with Isobel for her to help us find Klaus, I closed that discussion as that was waters we shouldn't be treading on. Siena has no idea about Isobel and how heartless she was as a vampire, if she turned up out of the blue I don't know how Siena would react. Stefan didn't stay the night cause Jenna wouldn't really approve especially with how we were on and off all the time, but he assured me that he would be back in the morning.

I was trying to get some sleep but what kept playing around in my mind was this whole Siena situation, how she was this dimidium sanguine. I didn't know what this meant but what worried me is the way Elijah kept looking at her, it was like she was some kind of rare diamond. I knew that was worrying Siena even though she puts up this tough girl act I know deep down she was worried about what this all meant. What didn't help Siena situation is the fact that she utterly in love with Damon, not saying that is a bad thing, because I want her to be happy. I know that Damon will prove himself to her and eventually Siena will forgive him before we both have to help Elijah kill Klaus.

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