Information With Confrontation......

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Elena P.O.V

After speaking to Stefan I felt exhausted, it was like a million thoughts were running thought were running through my mind. As much as I wanted them to stop they just wouldn't, everything Katherine spoke kept swirling around. I knew I couldn't do what she did, there was no way I was going to go down the same route. I mean we were all worrying about this Klaus turning up, what if he doesn't? I mean the guy who had any kind of link to him Damon killed, so there was no way he knew about me or Siena. Right? I mean all this worrying, and hearing all these stories are totally pointless, thinking about that actually calmed my nerves down. I needed to try and put this Klaus business to one side and not allow it to be top priority in my life, I want to get my life back on track. I want to try and fix things between us. I know that he was worry about me, that he wants to protect me, but I want things to return back to how they once were. I want to try and live a normal life, well as normal as am able to have, starting from tomorrow that what's going to happen.

I eventually fell into a peacefully sleeping, was woken from it when I heard a noise, I felt my heart racing, but I knew I had to see what it was. I know stupid but I wasn't going to lay here and not investigate, I got out of bed and left my room I looked around. I heard a noise from behind, as I turned around I saw Ric, practically naked with a bowl in his hands. Okay not naked but 90% of him wasn't clothed, I never thought I'll be seeing my History teacher half naked, in the middle of the night in my own home.

"Elena..." I could tell he was really embarrassed by this all, with me being his student seeing him in this extremely awkward situation. This wasn't what I expected to see when I got out of my bed, this is the last thing I expected to see ever.

"I heard something." I knew I had to kind explain why I was out here, I saw Jenna comes up the stairs, in this moment they both look really uncomfortable. They really didn't need to be I kind of had an idea that something was going on between them, just never expected to actually witness this.

"That was us, I'm sorry." I just smiled at the both of them, I didn't want them both to feel more awkward about this situation as they already did. It was nice to see Jenna smiling, which I hadn't seen in a while, she had been so stressed out with school, and deal with the Jeremy issues, and she deserved to be happy.

"We didn't think anyone else was up." Ric spoke nervously as Jenna looked at me apologetically, they didn't need to feel like this, and I really just wanted to walk away but it was like I was frozen.

"But here you are." Jenna defiantly was embarrassed, I thought it was kind of cute that they were both behaving like this. Two full blown adults acting like the school kids, it was sweet.

"We were just—" Ric was attempting to explain but epically failed. "Chunky Monkey?" He offers me some of the ice cream, I just shook my head while trying to hold in my laughter. "Well I'm naked, so I'm gonna go." Ric Leaves and goes in Jenna's bedroom, I glance at Jenna who seemed to have this really guilty look in her eyes, there was no need for her to feel that way.

"I'm really, really sorry." Jenna didn't need to be sorry she had a life too, I saw that more than ever tonight, I want her to be happy that's all that mattered to me.

"It's okay, Jenna. Don't worry about it." Jenna finally smiled and seemed a little more relaxed, I wanted her to have a normal life and this was something pretty normal, I guess.

"I know he's been staying over a lot. Are you sure it's okay?" She didn't need to worry about me, of course I was fine with it all Ric made Jenna happy, that all that was important.

"Seems like things are good." With the way I had just interrupted them both, it seems that was the direction they were both going.

"They are extremely good." Jenna had this big grin on her face, to wake up thinking that someone was breaking into my home, and to witness this, just made it a little worthwhile to have gotten out of bed.

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