Hate Is Easy! Love Takes Courage.....

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Damon P.O.V

Everyone says that time heals all wounds, but no one can tell me what I'm supposed to do right now. Right now I can't sleep. It's right now that I can't eat. Right now I still hear her voice and sense her presence even though I know she's not here. Right now all I seem to do is cry. I know all about time and wounds healing, but even if I had all the time in the world, I still don't know what to do with all this hurt right now. All the most powerful emotions come from chaos -fear, anger, love- especially love. Love is chaos itself. Think about it! Love makes no sense. It shakes you up and spins you around. And then, eventually, it falls apart. I think anyone who opened their heart enough to love without restraint and subsequently were devastated by loss knows that in that moment you are forever changed; a part of you is no longer whole. Some will never again love with that level of abandon where life is perceived as innocent and the threat of loss seems implausible. Love and loss, therefore, are linked. I knew I was a fool to ever believe that I could actually have a healthy and happy relationship with Siena, we were both stubborn, wanting to save one another. That's the big issue here, because neither of us would ever back down from that. My mother used to tell me that with every action leads to consequences, my action caused me to lose the only woman who I've ever truly loved.

I thought my night couldn't get any worst, but it did. Katherine got out of the tomb after Elijah being daggered, her excuse was that she came to me because she wanted to help. Who is she kidding spinning that line, the only person she ever helped is herself, I knew there was something she was hiding. The thing about Katherine she was a bad smell that you couldn't get rid of, no matter how many times I threaten to kill her to leave, she was still here. Stefan updated me on Siena, apparently she wasn't in a good and need time alone, which meant that Elena was staying at the house with us. I knew that this was bad idea especially if Katherine pops up out of the blue, but then again my last threat to her I made myself very clear I would kill her without hesitation. I tried to call Siena a few times, but she didn't answer my calls, and to be honest I didn't think she would. After what I said to her before she walked away was unforgivable 'Siena Russo, if you walk out of that door there be no going back.'

In that moment it hit me that she had given up on us by walking out of the door, it was my own doing, and I've been beating myself up ever since. I kept on having one of those angel and the devil on either side of my shoulder, one minute I was convinced I done the right thing, and in the next I knew I done wrong. I didn't know what the hell to do anymore to fix what I had done, because I hated having empty space beside me in my bed. I was broken out of my thoughts when I saw Elena come down, she and I were not on the best of terms for obvious reasons related to Siena. I focused back on reading one of Jonathan Gilbert's journals, this guy wrote hell of lot of stuff but somewhere in here he might be able to give me answers to my worries about Siena.

"Good morning, Damon." I knew that wasn't Elena she hasn't spoken a word to me for days, it was always the cold shoulder with her. That was Katherine, I got up and rushed over to her pushing her against the wall.

"What are you doing here? I told you to leave." I had a tight grip around her throat, hearing her gasping for air right now was giving me great satisfaction, and that look of fear in her eyes was further satisfaction.

"What is your problem?" Katherine was playing the part pretty well these days, but I was no fool, Elena hated my guts right now for what I did to Siena. Katherine had been out of the game to know that, she messed up, strange for a woman who claims to always be one step ahead.

"You're wearing her clothes? Like that's going to work." She looked at me with disbelief, I had to admit that she was pulling off the Elena looks off quite well, but I wasn't going to be fool by her again.

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