Feel This Moment.....

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 Damon P.O.V

New York ended on a high note in the end, Siena forgave me for being such a total jerk to her. Which made me realise something that she was the type of woman to keep in my life, not chasing something that could never truly be. Meaning my infatuation with Elena. Was I in love with her? Now with a clear mind and heart I think the only reason why I felt so drawn towards her was because she was everything that I wanted Katherine to be. It was me allowing history to repeat itself by trying to get in between Stefan and Elena all because I wanted to feel happiness. I've held hate and resentment towards my brother for over a century and half, and that was all going to stop from this day forward. This was down to her the woman who captured my heart Siena Russo. She really did love me there no doubt about it, and this time I wasn't going to let anything screw this up. I had her back in my life, and I'm not planning on letting her go.

I officially met Siena parents, and they were just as I expected. Chrizina was very intelligent woman, well considering her career in such an industry she would have to be. The one thing she kept on doing that was testing my Italian, obviously she was impressed how well I spoke it. With getting brownie points by her was going in my favour with Siena. Tony was decent guy, friendly, polite, a very smart man, he did pull me to one side and gave me the talk. You know the one what are you intentions followed by you hurt my daughter I'll make your life a living hell. I guess that was normal things a protective father would say to their little girl new boyfriend, to make them feel threaten. Not that Tony words scared me in any way, but I reassured him that I loved his daughter that my intentions are to make sure she's happy and always smiling. That was my purpose now to always make sure my beautiful girl was smiling, never make her feel any of the feeling she felt over the past weeks.

When that conversation was done the tension between us was clearly gone, he clearly knew my intension for his daughter was never to hurt her. While observing Siena with her dad I notice he always called Siena Carina rather than calling her by her actual name. The way Tony would look at her with so much adoration was refreshing to see. I never had that from my father, all he used to do was beat me with his belt for looking at him wrong. The one thing I notice was that her dad loved bourbon more than I did. I didn't think that could be possible. Siena parents were sad to see her go, but on the bright side they knew that she had made a new life in Mystic Falls. They both felt strongly about Siena and Elena to build a good relationship that family is what matters in the end. I admired there morals, and I think that I should adapt the Russo attitude also and somehow repair the broken bond between Stefan and myself.

When the topic came up about booking Siena in hotel again I insisted for her to stay with Stefan and I at the boarding house. Chrizina was fine with it as she felt more comfortable that Siena was with someone she knew. Tony on the other hand wasn't keen on the idea, I think that's the Italian Dad coming out. That his daughter sharing a bed with a man that she wasn't married to. Then again I don't think he was that naive to think that Siena was still a virgin. If had a daughter I'll would be the same actually, I would hesitate to kill the guy in for suggesting it, luckily for me Tony wasn't like that.

Of course Stefan was happy with the way things planned out, I think he was worrying over the fact that he would have to live with million times worse version of myself if this all went wrong. Of course Chrizina and Tony loved him, everyone loves Stefan, he didn't have open his month and they would love him. Tony spoke about politic with Stefan, they actually went into a rather deep conversation about it, while I zoned out as politic don't interest me in the slightest. We all returned back to Mystic Falls 3 days after the charity event. Everything was great we were back to normality, and now I'm going to have my beautiful girl waking up beside every single day. Now I thought the whole moving Siena in was going to be easy, let's just say the transition of Siena moving was going smoothly would be an understatement. I was helping her find space to put her thing in my closet, looks like renovation was needed to have a closet built at least quadruple the size of the one I had. I've never thought that one girl could have so many shoes and purses and did I forget to mention clothes.

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