Meeting Mr Saltzman.......

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Siena P.O.V

I could feel the warmth of the sun baying on my face forcing me to come out of this blissful sleep, I felt my head was leaning against something harder. I slowly opened one eye and I saw a man torso with some great abs, I looked down to see that I had my arm wrapped round his waist. I started to remember what happened last night that I was at the grill with Damon we had drinks then we headed back to his place, we spoke and danced. As I began to recall it all I had a flashback of the moment when I told him I was 'HORNY'. Oh god what was I thinking? It was like my mouth spoke before my head could register what I actually said. I said to myself I would do this and look at what I did. I was annoyed with myself more than anything, because it wasn't Damon fault he acted on what I flat out told him. We all do things we desperately wish we could undo. Those regrets just become part of who we are, along with everything else. To spend time trying to change that, well, it's like chasing clouds. Did I really want to change what happened last night? God no. I hadn't had sex like that before, I mean I've only been one other guy that was Nic, and the sex with him was amazing. With Damon it was like outer body experience, it was like he knew exactly what he was doing making me shudder at his touch. What I experience last night was something truly phenomenal.

Then I came back down from the high I was feeling and reality sunk in, oh my god what must he think of me? I meet the guy in the bar then I have sex with him. Just great Siena! I lifted my head slightly to see Damon was awake, but he was sound asleep. He looked so peaceful while he slept, with his lips puckered up I just wanted to lean in a kiss them. Right now Siena you have 2 choices, 1 you get your ass out of here before he wakes to avoid the awkward conversation, or 2 you could just kiss those lips and hope for a good reaction. What if he regrets sleeping with me? I mentally slapped myself. Siena how could he regret it? I'm not ugly, I've been told on many occasions that beautiful. I have men crave for your attention... Maybe I should just go... I hate this battle I'm having with myself right now. What was this Damon Salvatore doing to me to make me feel this way? I guess the truth of the matter is that I'm scared he will rejected me. No, no, no your Siena Russo get a grip girl! You've never let a man make you feel like that and you're going to let that start now.

I was going to be brave and do the option I really wanted to do with no fear, I slowly moved my head up and pressed my lips against his. He didn't respond to my disbelief, I hope that was because he was sleeping because if it wasn't things are about to get real awkward. I was about to move away when he began to respond, it was like electric sparks tingling across my lips as sensation that I felt all last night. Damon pulled me on top of him, cradling my face between his hands as he traced his tongue across my lips for entrance. At first I didn't respond he did a cute growl which made me smile, he tried again, and I granted him entrance. Damon was exploring every inch of my mouth, then he slowly began to kiss my neck he hit my soft spot that he found rather quick, as hard as I tried a moaned escaped from my lips. He flipped me over so he was hovering over me, with his blue eyes boring in to mine. His eyes were blue. Not the ordinary sky blue, or the colour of the paint flaking off of the old shed in the back of the field, or even the little flowers that spring up by the side of the road. His eyes were blue like the sea, crystal clear blue- shimmering and crashing and churning. Looking into his eyes you could hear the waves falling against the shore, see the foam flying into the air. His eyes were blue like the sky right before the sun disappears- dark rich indigo, with specks of wild colours here and there. His eyes were blue like that warm wool sweater that you put on when the air gets that chill- comfortable, warm, and familiar. His eyes were that kind of blue.

"Good Morning sunshine that was a nice way to wake me up." He spoke as he was stroking my cheek with his thumb, I smiled because I knew he didn't regret what happened. All those fears I had just faded away and I'm happy that I went with option 2.

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