Everything Comes Out In The Open.....

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Siena P.O.V

Spending the night with Damon was certainly a perfected ending to what started off as a terrible day, when I looked back at it all its just all completely nuts. If I was to turn to Blair and tell about what has happened, she would have me committed for sure, but I know I could never tell her about any of this. Not because she would think I've losted it, it because if she was to know I might be putting her endanger, that something I didn't want. Of course I will tell her everything about Damon, just miss the part that his a vampire, I'm sure when they meet each other they get on great. Was I worried to holding such a big secret from all the people I love? Not really, I mean I needed to see for myself where all this was going, right now I seriously couldn't get enough of Damon Salvatore. I think he felt the same way about me too, I mean with how it went down in the bedroom all night long just proved that. When it was over and he held me in his arms, I sense that he wanted to say something to me, but he never did, maybe I read into something that wasn't actually there.

I woke up to the brightness of the sunlight bathing on my face, ever part of me didn't want to wake up, I just wanted to stay right here all day long. Last night was the first time since being here I had peaceful night sleep. I slowly opened my eyes, and I felt a smile creep up on my face as I turned to my left, but there was an empty space. I sat up and I looked around the room and I couldn't see Damon anywhere, he wouldn't of left without saying anything would he?

"Damon..." I saw something at the corner of my eye on the pillow beside me, it was a piece of paper folded in half. I opened it the first thing that caught my eye was elegant hand writing.

Good morning Bella,

I'm sorry I couldn't be there to wake up with you, but some vampire issues have come up. Believe me when I say this, it was really hard to tare myself away from you.

Can you pick Elena up, and both come to the house, there is something you both need hear.

I promise to make it up to you later.

I couldn't help but smile when I read it, it was very 'Edward Cullen' of him, but I guess the bad boy vampire can show his soft side to his girlfriend. I picked up my phone and looked at the time it was coming up to 7am I jumped out of bed I went and had a quick shower. I knew that I had to get to Elena before school started, so I rushed to get ready, which isn't a good thing because I never rush when it comes to getting changed. I found some dark wash skinny jeans, white tank top and my blush pink VW blazer, that seemed casual enough for Mystic Falls. I looked threw my shoes and I found my blush pink high heel pumps, I quickly did my makeup, and my hair seemed okay with it being up in messy bun. I grabbed my purse and car keys, then headed out of the hotel. I got in the car and drive to Elena's, I know Damon note was sweet and all, but hearing vampire issue, and that Elena and I needed to hear something, didn't sit right with me. I'm not going to jump to conclusion, nor am I going to freak Elena out with the dozens of theories that are running through my mind. I arrived at Elena's house, I got out of the car and walked to her door, and knocked Elena opened it.

"Siena?" I smiled at her; she was pretty perky at this time in the morning, I need at lest four or five coffee before I am on that level.

"We have been summon to the boarding house, apparently something come up, and we need to know about it." She shook her head with a smile, I'm guess this was a normal thing then with being summon, I just hope it's a talk about keeping safe, after what happened.

"I just need to get my bag." She turned to go back in the house, I could hear Jenna calling for her, and she didn't sound impressed either.

"I'll wait in the car." She nodded, and I began to walk back to the car. It was really playing on my mind about what Damon wanted to talk to us about, maybe it is about safety regulations, but did it really need both Elena and I to be there at first thing in the morning. I got broken out of my thought with Elena getting into the car.

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