Masquerade Ball Part 2.....

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Damon P.O.V

Having Siena turn up here wasn't what I expected, when she spoke about Elena asked her to meet her here, I knew in that moment it was all Katherine. It wasn't enough she took a chunk out of her neck, but now she brought her here knowing that we were going to be here. Knowing Katherine she would of used Siena as collateral damage, well that's not going to happen not on my watch. I was in two mind about going ahead with this, because Siena look too beautiful all I wanted to do was bring her back home, and have my wicked way with her. Look at all this logically because tonight was the only opportunity that we are going to finally take Katherine down, and I would have many other times that I would have the opportunity to do that. Dancing with Siena was something else she really had excellent rhythm, as we continued to dance and spin. The lights were twinkling with every step as Siena spun in delicate circles, her dress billowing out. She was something truly breath taking I could see that all eyes were on her, but in a typical Siena fashion she didn't notice as she smiled at me and her beautiful eyes sparkled. She was really blinding me by her beauty, I couldn't see anyone apart from her. I will admit that I could see myself falling in love with her, she was different to Katherine, and Elena am not talking about appearance. There was something about her that was intoxicating, I didn't believe in love at first sight, but I've become a believer of it now.

I know I thought I had these strong feeling for Elena, but from the moment that I set eyes on Siena they faded away as quick as they came. Elena loved Stefan and I understood that now, because Siena was mine and no one else and I know that the first time in 170 years I could see myself being with this one girl. The song had finished, I heard my phone, when I looked I saw I had a message from Stefan stating that everything was in place. I had to make sure that Siena stay clear from Katherine who she thinks is Elena, so I asked her to stay put until I came back. I knew we had to do this tonight, I wanted to do this, but I didn't want Siena to be here while we were doing this. It looks like I didn't have a choice. I walked away from her hoping she wasn't going to follow and just listen to me. I went up to the room that Bonnie done the spelled, basically we would all be trapped in that room, meaning that once Katherine walks in there was no way out. As I walked in Stefan was in there already he was pacing he looked up as I walked in.

"Finally what took you so long?" Stefan was really stressed out, but he didn't need to take it out on me. Now wasn't the time for us to be at each other throat, our focus and anger should be on the evil one and nothing else.

"I'm sorry baby bro, I was kind of distracted by seeing my girlfriend here." Stefan looked at me with widen eyes, yeah it was just surprise to me, believe me Siena turning up here was the last thing I expected.

"Siena here? How did she even know about the party?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes, who else would have told her to come here.

"Well she was invited actually by Elena aka Katherine." I watched as Stefan didn't look too please with hearing that Katherine been playing Elena with Siena. I knew the reason he cared about Siena because he was Elena sister, he didn't want her getting involved in all this as much as I didn't.

"Well I'm going to hide till this bitch comes." I walked into the en-suite bathroom and stood there waiting, I was listening out for Caroline and Katherine to come. After a while I could hear some talking, so I used my vampire hearing to listen in on the conversation.

"Why do you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it." Caroline wined, well she playing her part pretty well, I have to say I was impressed with her acting skill here hoping that Katherine falls for it.

"Shut up!" Katherine snapped back at her, their footsteps were closer, I knew they were outside the room now. "Which room is it?" Katherine demanded, what the hell did I see in her? Like there nothing about her that was remotely attractive, and that demanding side of her was a real turn off. I can't even say I had been compelled to love her like Stefan was, nope I was a total fool.

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