Been Kept In The Dark.....

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Siena P.O.V

Here I stood with widen eyes looking at the woman who brought me into this world. From the moment I knew about being adopted all I kept thinking about was what would my biological mom would look like, here she was a few feet away from me. There were a string of emotions running through me in that very moment from shock, to joy, then to anger. This wasn't the first time Isobel had made an appearance, she and Elena had crossed path before. The anger that is boiling inside of me right now is down to the fact that from the moment Elena knew I was her sister, she never once told me that Isobel wasn't in fact dead.

The worst pain in the world goes beyond the physical. Even further beyond any other emotional pain one can feel. It is the betrayal of your sister. As I looked at Elena all I felt towards her was pure hatred, I never thought I would ever feel this way towards her. She did the worst thing to me that anyone can do to anyone else. Let them believe that our mom was dead when all along she knew otherwise. So this was betrayal. It was like being left alone in the desert at dusk without water or warmth. It left your mouth dry and will broke. It sapped your tears and made you hollow.

"Hello, Elena It's nice to see you again." Elena stood there with this guilty look on her face as I glared at her, while I was fighting back every molecule in my body to not hit her. All I wanted to know was why the hell didn't she tell me that she was alive? Why didn't she tell me she had meet? "Hello Siena, it's nice to finally meet you." She stood in the doorway smiling at the both of us, I wanted to say some but no words would come out of my mouth, I just kept having question after question running through my mind.

"Again?" Jenna spoke up as she looked directly at Elena, Elena didn't say a word. The one thing I've learnt tonight is that lying came easy to Elena, and right now I'm questioning everything she's ever said to me.

"So you're the woman who's dating my husband. I need to speak to speak to my daughter. May I come in?" What was there to talk about? She abandon us! I had nothing to say to her, she took her time to find one daughter but didn't even bother with me.

"N-n-no. Don't... don't invite her in." Elena practically shouted. Why didn't she want to let her in? What was Elena hiding?

"I need to talk to you both Elena." Isobel voice changed from the polite, she spoke more aggressively this time as they both look share between them.

"No!" Elena slams the door in Isobel's face. Jenna stood there crying, from everything she had just learnt, she had been kept in the dark about all this also. I wanted an explanation for her behaviour right now. The reason why she didn't want us to talk to Isobel!

"What f**k Elena! Why didn't you tell me she was alive?" She stood there lost for words from my reaction, how the hell did she expect me to react after what I just learnt. Screw this I wasn't going to listen to anything she had to say, I wouldn't believe a word that would come out of her mouth now. I brushed by her and went to the door, Isobel wanted to talk then maybe I would get the truth from her.

"Siena please." She pushed the door closed stopping me from leaving. Right now I felt like a utter fool, I knew that they all kept some things from me, like the reason Jonas going crazy tonight, but I never thought that Elena would have kept something this important from me.

"You knew she was still alive? Damon? Stefan? Did they know?" The look on her face confirmed it all that they all knew about this and none of them had the courage to even tell me.

"I can explain everything, Siena." Elena pleads meant nothing to me, I didn't want to hear another lie that would come out from her mouth.

"No!" I yelled at her as I forcefully opened the door, I walked out of the house, I heard Elena calling me but I ignored her there was only one person I want to speak to. "Isobel..." I called out as she was opening her car door, but stopped as she heard me. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked as I approached her, she stood there not looking at with this sorrowful look on her face.

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