Two Sides Of Elena......

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Siena P.O.V

As we were driving to Damon home all I felt was like twisted knots in my stomach, I know Damon made it all sound like Elena would be fine, but that didn't take away this retching feeling I had. I'm ashamed for the way I behaved and it wasn't just Elena who saw it, but Stefan and not forgetting Mr Saltzman who must think I'm an emotional mess. God I made such a fool of myself and everything Damon had just told me had totally disappeared. He spoke that everything will be okay that Elena wouldn't bite, I wasn't concerned about that. What I was concerned about is that I might do another stupid action, or say something stupid that may offend Elena. I tried to shake those thoughts from my mind because all I was doing is scaring myself, I could do this, I had nothing to be frighten about. Elena will hear me out and she will either accept my apology or not, there nothing much more than I could do.

We finally arrived at Damon's house and he gave me that reassuring look, to say that everything was going to be fine. All of this with him was crazy, I've known him in such a short time 'LITERALLY A DAY', but I felt like I could trust him. That what was really strange because most people had to gain my trust, but with Damon it feels like I knew him. Maybe we knew each other in another life time we did, if you believe in stuff like that, whatever it was that made me feel this way towards him I didn't mind one bit. If I look back at my relationship with Nic it took me months for me to fully trust him, think about it even with friends I made over the years I was the same. What was it about Damon Salvatore that made me feel this way? I don't even know what this is right now, I mean are we just friend with benefits? Or are we starting up a relationship? I think this is a conversation I need to have with him after I sort things out with Elena. I was broken out of my thoughts with the car door opening, I looked up to see Damon standing there with a cute smile. I got out of the car and began to walk toward the house, once again my stomach was in knots I didn't know how to start this conversation with Elena. Before we got to the door Damon stopped before opening it.

"Siena everything going to be fine. Stop panicking." It was easy for him to say that he wasn't in my shoes, but I gave him a half smile and nodded my head in agreement. I think know why I've been so worry about Elena, I think because I had to be more responsible around her. With being the older sister and set a good example 'oh god I'm so going to mess this up' me Siena Russo setting a good example. I snapped out of my thoughts and notice I was gazing at Damon, he must think I'm nuts, because he held a concerned expression. "Come in." He opened the door and we both walked in and made our way to the parlour my stomach flipped as soon as I saw Stefan with Elena. He was sitting beside her with his arm around her comforting her, did I really upset her that much? Oh wow I'm feeling even worse now. "Brother why don't we go to the grill, and leave the sisters to talk." Really Damon you're gonna leave me and Elena alone? I watched as Stefan stood up and Elena facial expression matched the thought I had in my head. I don't think either of us were prepared to have this talk, now we were going to be left here alone. I'm going to screw up for sure, I know it.

"Yeah sure." Stefan turned to Elena gave her a kiss, they were whispering amongst themselves, I'm sure he was reassuring her everything was going to be ok. Well I don't know about it all being okay, I kind of felt that all the pressure was all on me, and these guys have known one another for years if anything was to go wrong they would certainly have Elena back. I turned to Damon with pleading eyes to say 'why are you leaving', all I got back from him was a smile, not exactly what I needed. He walked over to where I was standing.

"Siena, I promise that everything be fine." I knew all he was doing was trying to reassure me, and it helped in a way, but I knew as soon as he and Stefan walked out of that door that would change. I watched as the brothers made their way to the front door, then Damon called out "Girl make yourself at home." The door closed and I turned to Elena who was sitting on the couch looking really uncomfortable, while looking down playing around with her fingers. I knew I had to be the bigger person here, because it didn't look like Elena was going to make the first move. I walked over and sat in the couch opposite her, she hadn't looked up she kept looking down at her hands. I had no idea what she was thinking, I didn't know her that well to even come to some conclusion in my mind how she was feeling.

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