Brotherly Bonding Road Trip.....

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Damon P.O.V

After leaving Katherine I went back to the house to face what was going to happen with Siena, I kind of had it planned out in my head what I was going to say. I wasn't sure what questions she would fire at me, I guess it the obvious ones, like how come I can walk in the daylight without bursting into flames. So I would have to go down the route of how a daylight ring works, which will get us on the subject of witches. The only question I was really worried about was the one about being in love with Elena, Siena understood from the debating going on between Katherine and I that I was in love with her for so long. That with Katherine basically saying that I was in love with her sister who I might add is identical to her, might not go down too well. I need to prove and show Siena that I am not in love with Elena, the only way I could do that was tell her how I really feel about her. Yes that's exactly what I am going to do, if I have to prove to Siena every day that she's the one I want to be with and not Elena, then I'll do it. The people that know me might think I'm acting out of charter, but there something about Siena Russo that got me totally bewitched in her.

When I got in I poured two drinks and placed them on the coffee table, ready for when Siena turns up. Something told me a lot alcohol was needed for this conversation, that something I could provide to take away the tension. Time was ticking away it was gone 1am and I was in two minds about going to Siena hotel, then I thought maybe it had all kicked and she was trying to bring herself round to coming. Well I was doing the same as me and the bottle of bourbon became acquainted, I don't know why I was so nervous, no girl ever made me feel this way, I guess that why I was being like this. I woke up to the sun shining in my face, I wasn't best pleased about that, then this lingering headache of thump, thump wasn't what I needed first thing in the morning. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was still on the couch, my eyes advert to the coffee table where the still full glass for Siena was untouched. This wasn't a good sign, she didn't turn up last night, and maybe she messaged me. I took out my phone from my pocket, I had a message but it wasn't from Siena, it was from Stefan. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and sat up to read what he wanted.

Stefan: Tyler killed Sarah last night. So we both know what that means. Caroline was there go and see her she will fill you in

Just great we have to deal with now a puppy werewolf, that something that isn't good for our kind, as the myth goes one bite from a wolf we are goners. I didn't bother replying to Stefan, as I knew I needed to get the story from the source. I got up and went to my room to shower and changed, I looked at my phone once again to see if Siena might have called or message me, but nothing. I left the house I got in my car and drove to Caroline and find out what happened. When I got to her house Caroline was in her room preparing for school, this was the last place I wanted to be right now, but I needed to find out what happen. What was infuriating was when she told a story she went on and on, I just wanted to know the important part, not what the hell everyone was wearing.

"So Sarah attacks Tyler, and he pushed her away, she tripped and she fell and she hit her head." Well this isn't good if there were witnesses, and I knew that busboy was there and if he was to talk about this to anyone I would have to deal with him.

"Does Matt remember anything?" I questioned her as she continued to fix her makeup in the mirror, Caroline seemed a little carefree about all this right now. When she should be worrying that now Tyler was a wolf that was going to cause a problem for all of us.

"Hmm, he thinks he blacked out, but I think they were both compelled by Katherine. That's why I covered for Tyler and said it was an accident." That what I didn't understand why did she cover for him? Why not tell the truth that his a psycho with temper issue and needs to be locked up.

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