Please Tell Me This Isn't Happening.....

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Damon P.O.V

Siena had finally fell asleep after what had happened. I couldn't believe that I just lost it with her like that, I knew all she was trying to do was calm me down, but it was like every word that came out of her mouth angered me further. The fact when she looked at me now I didn't see love and adoration, all I saw was fear and that cut me deep as I knew it was my own doing. Siena being Siena, she there and reassured me everything was ok, I didn't deserve her, she was far too good for me, what I did to her was unforgivable. My outburst was for one reason that was fear. I'm frighten of what will come of her when Klaus made his real appearance in the flesh, none of us knew what he had planned for her and in my eyes that was more worry than knowing. At least if we knew I would have a fighting chance of stopping it. With Elena making agreement with Elijah was the last straw, I didn't trust him not after all the bad blood that had been spilled.

Now the reality sunk in Klaus was going to take Elena for the sacrifice that will lead to her death, then there was Siena... I just couldn't deal with all these emotions. I made a promise that I wouldn't turn everything off when things were hard to deal with, I had to keep to it no matter how hard this all was for me, and I knew it was a thousand times worst for them. I turned over to look at Siena who was still sleeping soundly, she is my reason for not losing it, to keep hope that somehow through this madness we would pull through. I could hear the conversation that Elijah was having with Elena and Stefan about this lame sacrifice. It was time for me to hear whatever this dick had to say I got up and changed, before heading downstairs.

"Tonight is the full moon we should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse." Elijah looked at me while I walked into the room, if he was expecting that apology from me he had a long wait. I went over and poured myself a drink, to calm my temper as all this was ridiculous.

"Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus." Stefan had been filled in by Elena it's a shame she didn't share with the rest of the people whose lives were dangling along with hers. Now the question is why was Klaus so desperate to break it?

"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline the curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting, but if he breaks it... He'll be a true hybrid." Elijah filled in all the blanks, and I thought this douche Klaus was a selfish asshole, but all this to be a goddamn hybrid. Is that even possible? How could someone be both, a vampire, and werewolf... I mean that would make him deadly... That's exactly the reason why he wants to do it so his top of the food chain, like being an un-killable originals isn't the highest on the chain.

"Then why are we letting him break the curse? We can kill him today With Bonnie" Elijah looked at me not please with my outburst, but I'm right Bonnie can end all this tonight.

"Damon..." Stefan growled as he glared over at me, he was seriously really getting on my last nerve now, how stupid can my brother be to fall for this, the girl his claims to love will die.

"No Bonnie can't use that much power without dying." What didn't Elena understand about all this that Klaus was going to kill her, I get she trying to be commendable friend, but the witch is up for this she knows of the consequences.

"I'll write her a great eulogy" I teased, which didn't please her in the slightest, but pleasing her wasn't my priority. Has she even thought about how this will affect Siena? Does she really think that her sister just going to allow to hand herself over, if she does then Elena don't know her sister one bit.

"It's not an option, Damon." Stefan stated firmly. "All right, how do we break this curse?" Stefan asked looking over at Elijah. I'm getting really annoyed here with all of them not realising their plan not going to work, that in the end we had a better one sitting in that abandon witch house.

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