Getting To Know You.....

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Siena P.O.V

That question Elena asked threw me, I mean I didn't know -these people and now I'm gonna spill my story to them about my private life. They all seemed like nice people but that wasn't going to happen, as much as I hate lying it was something I have to do. I didn't come here to have people feeling sorry for me because my birth mom abandon me, no that not what I wanted. Some people might want that but for me that wasn't the case, I had this great life in New York with wonderful parents. If anything I should kind of thank her for giving me up, because I am who I am today because of those two amazing people. So what kind of lie could I tell them? That was here for vacation? No, no one would buy that, who would come here for a vacation. I can't say I'm here to see family because I have a feeling that everyone knows everyone here. So what would a girl like me be doing here? I could see that they were just staring at me, wait for me to spill why I was here. The only thing that came into mind that a girl from the city would be doing here, is buying some real estate.

"I'm looking to buy a new home around here." I watch as brows were raise in surprise that someone like me would consider moving here. I needed to make this believable, the place wasn't that bad, and with the reactions I'm seeing you think no outsider ever moved here. "You know get away from the crazy life in New York." After I mention that they all seemed a little more at ease, I don't get what their deal was, nor did I care. I just met these people like five minutes ago and I'm not going to spill my whole life story to them, I'm not one to talk about personal business, well only with my parents and of course Blair. Elena was about to say something, but I was saved by my phone. I looked at the caller I.D was my mom, I knew why she was ringing because she's worried about me. "Sorry guys I need to take this." I answered as I made my way outside. "Hey mom how's everything going?" I didn't want her to worrying about me, I just wanted her to know that I'm fine and safe. It not like anything could happen in this quiet town, I bet the most excitement it's had is that some poor kitty got stuck in a tree.

"Sweetie how is everything in Mystic Falls? Have you found out any information out yet?" I couldn't help but chuckle, I knew that my mom, she wasn't the patience of person. What did she expect I've only been here for few hours? I wasn't going to get any information in that amount of time, I love her, but sometimes when she's like this it drives me crazy.

"Mom I've been here like 2 minutes, I'm not going to get everything I need to know in that amount of time." I heard her sigh in frustration and I knew why, because she didn't want me to be disappointed if I didn't learn anything new. She needed to understand that I am a big girl that disappointments are part of life, if nothing comes of this then it didn't. I guess one of my mom's fears were is if I did finally find Isobel that things would change. Like I told her dozens of times she would always be my mom, Isobel will never replace her. I just had this unsettling feeling to find out about my birth parents, the only person who could tell me who my father was Isobel. I don't know if every adopted kid feels like this but it was something I needed to know.

"Sweetie your dad and I are just missing you." I could tell from her voice that she was worried, I knew I had to reassure her that there was no need for that. I began to pace up and down on the sidewalk out of frustration, because claiming my mom's worries down was going to be a challenge. I knew what they were worried about if this was going to be another dead end, because the last dead lead I didn't react too well. This time around I was prepared if I didn't get anything out of this then I just have to accept it and move on with my life. You know not matter how much you want something, sometimes it's just not meant to be.

"Mom you and dad really need to stop worrying. I'm 19 years old. I'm fine." I took a step back and bumped into someone, seriously what is with me today bumping into people. I turned to apologies to the person and notice that it was Damon. He stood there with an arch brow not looking impressed, so I mouthed 'sorry'. He just stood there watching me, which made me feel a little uncomfortable while I was having this conversation with my mo. My mom was still talking and I didn't take any of it in because I was too busy looking back at Damon thinking what was his deal. "Mom I'll give you a call later. Bye." I kind of felt a little awkward talking to her, while Damon stood there gawking at me, I could still hear her rambling on as I closed the call.

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