Time To Wake Up.....

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Elena P.O.V

I couldn't get over how much Siena shouted at me about getting angry at Damon, and the fact she knew about the whole plan to left me lost for words. She was right though I hide things from her to try and protect her. That what she and Damon did making me believe that Bonnie died protecting the both of us, was all a stunt to fool Klaus. I don't want anyone dying for us, I'm not going to allow that to happen. I feel hurt by some of the things Siena had told me, I never thought she would ever speak to me like that to me. Yes I agree I should have apologised to Damon after he told me Bonnie was fine, but I was in so much shock of her death and then to be told that she was alive, I was trying to take it all in. Then Siena exploded at me that they always had to consider my feeling, that she and I were nothing alike, when she spoke it was like a knife to heart. After she finished shouting at me she left, Damon looked at me and gave me an apologetic look and went after Siena.

Stefan tried to comfort me which worked a little, then he got his laptop out and showed me the screen I saw Bonnie she was alive and well. We spoke through video chat and she seemed normal and kept assuring me this was right thing to do. She was going to stay at the abandon witches house until we were going to attack Klaus, but not matter how much I tried to tell her we will find another way Bonnie wouldn't listening to me. I went up to Damon and Siena Room to apologise, Damon accepted but also told me that if it came down to Siena and Bonnie he would gladly let Bonnie die. I know Damon loved Siena so much, but Bonnie was my best friend. I felt hopeless couldn't do anything to stop them going ahead with this plan. Siena wouldn't even speak to me I felt hurt that she hated me right now, I left there room and went into Stefan room, he approached me and hugged me he must have heard everything I cried into his arms.

I woke up in the middle of the night Stefan was still sleeping I crept out of bed, an idea came to me while I was trying to sleep and I felt it was my only hope now. I went over and put my clothes on and headed out of the room trying not to make any noise to wake Stefan up. I closed the door gently and made my way down stairs making sure I didn't make any noise still. I went down to the basement and walked up to the cell door I looked though the bars, to see Elijah laying on the ground. I pulled the lock slowly, and opened the door. I walked over to his body and I crouched down. I placed my hand on the dagger.

"Please Elijah, you're my only hope" I whispered I pulled out the dagger and walked over to the other side of the room waiting for him to wake. I had been waiting hear what seemed like hours I saw some movement from Elijah. Suddenly he wakes up, seemed disorientated but certainly surprised to see me. "Elijah" I said cautiously he looked into my eyes.

"Katarina!" He gasped he thought I was Katherine, which is probably expected. He sat up and looked deep in thought, I didn't know how he was going to react considering the way he was taken down by Siena.

"Elijah! It's me, it's Elena." I was trying snapping him out of it, and then he went into a trance state again, he was freaking me out right now.

"Oh, my God." He closes his eyes I got closer to make sure he was ok but his body spazzes, he got up fast. "I can't-- I can't breathe! What's happening to me?" He rushes over the door but stammers against the doorway. I rushed over to him and held him up. "I can't... I can't be in this house." Of course the house was in mine and Siena name now, he was uninvited guest.

"You're not invited in." He looked at me with widen eyes, I tried to keep my fear under control because he look murderous right now.

"Get me out of here." He said he slams into another wall and disappeared, I ran after him I went to the front door Elijah is outside he tries to enter but he can't. "What happened?" I had to explain everything to him I just hope he willing to listen to me.

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