Negotiations Are Made.....

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Siena P.O.V

I was still trying to process what happened today from what happened in Richmond to coming back to Mystic Falls, and finding out that Stefan was stuck in the tomb with the she devil. Everything was mind blowing, I didn't ever expecting coming to Mystic Falls I would be mixed up in all of this. I mean if I spoke to anyone about everything that's happened, that vampires, werewolves and witches were real they would admit me in some psych ward. At times I feel like I am in some kind of dream and any moment I will wake up back in New York, I guess that's me trying to get to grips with the reality I was living in. My concerns right now was for Elena, with Stefan being stuck in the tomb I knew she was going to take it pretty badly, I wanted to go and see her, but Damon suggested that she would need some time alone. I wanted to protest but deep down I knew he was right, something like this she would need time alone to absorb it all in.

Damon dropped me off at my hotel that night not a lot was said between us, I just thanked for dropping me home. I didn't know what was going on between us, but whatever it was it wasn't top priority right now. What I needed to be concerned about right now was Elena and how she was dealing with all this, not forgetting about finding a way to get to Klaus, as our chances were blown by Elijah. I entered into my room and headed straight for my bed, I looked up at the ceiling while having a million thoughts running through my mind, each and every one of them ending up with questions I couldn't answer. I tried to fall asleep but the thought in my mind wouldn't let me, I needed to speak to someone, I didn't want to call Elena as I knew she was going to be upset about Stefan. Then there was Damon I could call but things are already far too complicated between us right now. I can't let him back in my life that easy even as much as I want to I can't just forgive him not after what he did. I know he tried to justify himself and part of me can understand, but as they say once a cheat always a cheat.

I needed to have a normal conversation that didn't involve anything that been going on here, I knew just the person that will keep my mind off all my worries. I sat up and grabbed my phone from the side, I scrolled down my contacts and found my Blair number. I knew she was more into the whole facetiming but I knew if she saw me she would know something was up, at least over the phone I could pretend to sound like I'm having a total blast. I pressed the call button and within a few rings Blair picked up the phone.

"So you didn't lose my number?" Blair spoke in her teasing manner, but I knew she was a little annoyed with me because I hadn't kept in contact with her since being here.

"I'm sorry it's just—" I began to justify my actions but I was soon cut off by her.

"Siena I'm just teasing." I heard her giggling down the phone, which brought a smile to my face, this always happens when I'm speaking to Blair. "I'm missing my BFF, when are you come back to the big apple?" These were questions I expected from her, and I was just missing her just as much, but I had no idea when I would be going back him, actually I don't know if I would ever be going back with this Klaus situation of him wanting me. I couldn't endanger my family and friends by being there.

"I've missed you too." Which I did, right now I could do with one of those crazy girls night we would have that would always lead me to regretting it in the morning. "I'm not coming home any time soon, I'm still getting to know Elena." I was telling her partly the truth, I couldn't walk away from Elena after everything I had learnt, with more and more vampires knowing about the both of us it wouldn't be safe for me to go back to the city.

"Maybe I should take a trip down there—" As soon as Blair mention about coming here I felt my heart stop for a moment, this place was like a beacon for supernatural being. "-- I'm sure there must be hot guys in that little town." How was I going to put this to her without hurting her feelings? Of course I would like everyone here to meet Blair, she would fit in and get on with all of them, but that supernatural part of all this might just freak her out, and that something I don't want.

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