The 60's Dance.....

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Katherine P.O.V

I couldn't believe I had been caught, I was trapped here by Klaus who was using Alaric body to do his bidding, the fact that he looked pretty smug with himself made my blood boil. I had ran from this man for 500 years, and because I put my faith in idiotic people I finally got caught. I have no idea what he had planned for me, but whatever it was I knew it wasn't going to be pleasant. Klaus was very imaginative and I'm sure his cooked up 500 years' worth of torture, one thing would be sure at the end of that is he will kill me. Klaus would finally get all that revenge that his been wanting along with everything else, Elena was at arm's reach, and then there was Siena. God I felt sorry for her, I mean sure Elena was bound to die to break the curse, which gave me some satisfaction. Whereas Siena she going to be in for the shock of her life when she finally meets him, I wonder how Klaus will react when he meets the one thing that he has been hunting for all these years. I looked over at Alaric/Klaus he opens the closet, and takes out 2 shirts, while I'm currently tied to a chair with rope soaked in vervain.

"Oh! Who is this guy, Safari Sam?" He turned to me showing the two shirts he had in his hands, every time I looked at him I felt my skin crawl. "Ok, bad, or badder?" Even after 500 years his attitude hadn't changed, everything was about him, Klaus being in the spotlight, all eyes on him. God I loathed him.

"The dark colours suit you better." Klaus always like this ass being kissed, I would do whatever it took to find a way to get the hell out of here with Klaus being on guard.

"Oh, thank you, honey. Ok, pop quiz. The dagger and white ash are in the Salvatore's possession, correct?" I pressed my lips together, stopping myself from speaking, but I didn't want to tell him anything about what I knew. I knew in that moment if I didn't talk Klaus would compel me to tell him if I didn't talk, at least if I talk I can control what's said, I can escape, pick up Siena get the both of us hell out of this town.

"The dagger was used to kill Elijah you'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house." He had this smug look on his face, but I had vital information that he doesn't know about, I intend to keep that to myself.

"Ok, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Ohh, that guy is a buzzkill." Elijah was thousand the man that Klaus is, he knew that. That's the reason why he thought of him being such a buzzkill.

"Don't forget you're on the outs with your girlfriend, Jenna." Maybe if I helped him to not slip up, he maybe he will be kinder towards me, seriously who I am kidding there no way in hell he would ever do that.

"Right Elena's aunt, for all the lies about Isobel. What else?" He hadn't mentioned Siena yet, which confirmed my theory that he had no idea that the dimidium sanguine was in town. I knew I could sell her out and make all Klaus's Christmas's all come at once, but I had loyalty towards Julian I wouldn't sell out his daughter, as very un-like me that maybe.

"That's it." He came closer to me and touches my face, and I involuntary jumped at his touch which amused him. He was has been the one thing I've fears in the last 500 years, I betrayed him, stopped him from completing this ritual that he was determined to compete. To say I wasn't scared right now would be a total understatement.

"Oh, so jumpy." He was enjoying the fact that I feared him, he had been chasing me for 500 years, right now his being far to calm with me.

"Please, just... kill me I've told you everything that I know." To sit here waiting to die was something I didn't want, but I couldn't sit here no longer with him playing mind games, I just wanted over and done with.

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