Chapter 3-Beautiful Stalker

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As I saw who was standing in front of my door I was shocked.

"Surprise!!" she said and before I could so much as open my mouth to speak she pushed me aside and entered my house like it happens every day.

"Well, how the hell do you know where I live and what are you doing here?" I asked her as I narrowed my eyes on her.

"Call me your personal stalker, I've got my way, Kathrine." And she knows my name. I was beginning to have countless thoughts in my head about what if everything was planned and she was actually sent to get close to me and kill me, oh my goodness, like in the movies.

I was brought out of my thoughts by something waving in front of me, it was a package and it smelt nice.

"What are you thinking? I brought breakfast since you refused dinner." She said and began looking around, I could tell she was searching for my kitchen. I wasn't having it. What if she was actually pretending I couldn't just trust her.

"You didn't answer my question. How do you know where I live?" I asked, making sure to emphasize every word.

She gave a dramatic sigh before turning to the couch I have and making herself comfortable. "Well I followed you, or if you wish to call it stalking, then I stalked you, spoke to your neighbors and they were ready to give every information about you for a few dollars." She added a shrug to make her point like it was so simple, perks of living in a shitty neighborhood, I wonder when they'll sell me without my knowledge.

"Come on, I'm not going to kidnap you or anything, don't be a chicken…can you chill, and let's eat seriously." She said looking at me like I was overreacting.

I finally relaxed and sat with her on the couch as I took the bag she handed me, I opened it and it contained crispy chicken and a cup of coffee. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face.

"You like it don't you?" She asked with a satisfied smirk, basically it was one of my favorites "Did you stalk me on this too?" I asked as we both burst into laughter and the atmosphere became lighter.

With me practically kicking Anna out of my house, she is the most dramatic person I've met in my life. She didn't want to leave, she was behaving like a kid who was visiting their favorite teacher for the first time and didn't want to part ways.

I remember her yelling that I'd look for her but never find her. She was fun to be around, she made me forget my problem for a while but as soon as she left, they all came back hugging me.

Letting out a sigh, I went in search of something that always calms my soul, my baby…I took out my violin from its safe place as I made myself comfortable on the floor and closed my eyes as I began playing.

Whenever I played my violin I felt like there was a wound in my heart that I was soothing, it brought me calm and reminded me that I was only human, it was like my mother's fingers running through my hair and telling me that everything was going to be okay, that the pain would soon go away, I felt free, at peace and one with the music.

I felt the tears run down my neck. It was normal, this was the type of feeling playing my violin brought to me, it was my cure, it was like washing away the pains, the sorrow.
When I felt like I had gotten my pieces back together enough for me to keep living, I returned my violin back to its original spot and I picked myself up with renewed hope ready to keep fighting.


"Please, please, I beg you, just for one night, I really need the money," and before you start thinking things, no, not that kind of one night, it's almost an hour that I've been begging a friend of mine who works in the club for one night to let me serve drinks but he kept insisting that he could not let me work in the club that the men here were vile and he wasn't ready to punch someone this night, but I kept insisting, I needed the cash, I was hopeful that I would get a job even before college resumption.

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and I could tell his resolve was breaking, when he finally sighed in defeat and I gave a happy fist pump, in my head of course. I hugged him in happiness…" Thank you, thank you, thank you…" Releasing him I beamed up at him waiting for his instructions.

"Make sure you stay out of trouble or rather don't get men in trouble." He smirked at me before beckoning a lady over and then told me to work closely with her. "Am not a baby, no need to babysit me," I told him before walking off, following closely behind the lady.

The night has been going well so far, the guys have been flirting but I've been able to avoid getting in trouble with anyone. Along the way, my babysitter got too busy for me and I already got a hand on what I was to do so everything was in control. It was just to serve drinks, refill, and avoid plugging out the eyes of men that were undressing you, yeah that was easy.

"Hey, those guys over there want a refill. You think you could do that for me?" One of the girls asked and I was ready to help. I took the drinks and went towards the table, when I got there I gave them a tight smile because there was something off about this particular table. I felt naked in front of them, I could just imagine what was going on in their dirty minds.

I served the last person and just as I turned someone slapped me on the butt and his group roared in laughter, it took everything in me not to slap him with the tray I held, but I just sucked in a breath and walked away, but just then I locked eyes with someone, he saw and he looked furious.

"Oh shit!"

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