Chapter 2-The New Annoying Friend

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The smile on her face dropped as soon as I told her to shut up. I wanted to laugh at how cute she was, but I held my laughter in. It's best I scold her and remind her of her worth. She seems to be my age or maybe older, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't get scolded.

"So suddenly you can talk?" I asked her.."That was so badass.." I said, trying to mimic her voice.

"Seriously I hate it when girls let other girls bully them, See, I shut her up with just one word, you could have done the same, Sometimes silence isn't the best answer when someone is being rude to you…show them what you got girl." I finished looking directly at her eyes to make sure she got my message.

She surprisingly burst into laughter and I just kept looking at her confused, did I say something funny?

"You should have seen your face, You reminded me so much of my mom and brother when they scolded me, you looked so cute I couldn't help but laugh. How old are you?" She said as she looked at me expectantly.

"Twenty-three," I mumbled under my breath but I was sure she heard me, I was suddenly feeling shy that I must have said too much, what if she was older?

" I'm sorry," I quickly said to avoid any problem.

"…" she said as she took my hands…" Believe me, my dear, I am not offended. Seriously, sometimes I just keep quiet and let people waste their energy, I don't have time for that, arguing with people, it's not my thing."

"So we're cool?"

"Precious me! Why wouldn't we be?" she said as she made an attempt to hug me but I dodged the hug.

"Uhm, well see you around," I said to her as I made a move to be on my way but she blocked me.
" Let's have dinner together, for saving poor me," she said, batting her lashes at me.

"Nope, thank you, I've got other things to do and you don't look so poor and innocent." I carefully looked at her. She looked simple but nothing bad. I seriously had nothing to do and I was hungry, but that doesn't mean I am going to jump on the first opportunity that comes my way, I am not a leach.

" I'm sorry I'll have to pass on that offer," I said to her as I finally ran away leaving her asking for my name which I didn't bother giving. Having new friends meant going out together and sharing bills, well at this stage in my life, I wasn't ready for that.

I got home and was greeted by the silence of my small apartment and a reminder that I was jobless. It felt like coming home always brought back that fact, that fact that things weren't working fine, I had no job and no plan on how to raise my college fees. I wasn't going to let this opportunity pass me by.

Sighing I took my phone from my bedside table to check for any message that might lighten my mood but there was nothing, absolutely nothing, just a few messages and a missed call from my friend.

Debby might not know all that I go through, but she knows I go through a lot in my life and she acts like my mom, always calling to check up on me, I appreciate her care and concern but sometimes it gets overbearing and I do not want to vent my anger and frustration on her one day, I just hope that day never comes…I'll not be the one to chase the caring friend I have.

My life was boring, it wasn't always like that, but lately, that's how it has been. I feel like money is the cause of my sadness, I went through hell because of money. But I can't really blame her, yes money…I have to work hard to earn her trust then she'll become my very best friend.

It's funny how life could be, I used to have everything, then in the blink of an eye, everything disappeared just like dust blown into thin air. I didn't like digging into memories of my past, they made me hurt badly no matter how hard I tried.

I have just been surviving and my mind was a mess. I did the usual: wake up,  search for jobs, go around town, and come back home to sleep. It won't take long before I go crazy. I didn't even bother cooking anything to eat. There's a tiny part of me that regretted not accepting that stranger girl's dinner offer, but the larger part of me told me it was the right thing to do.

I don't know what was wrong with me but halfway through the night I woke up in tears, I was full-blown on sobbing, it was that serious, it was like I was at the last draw of the line and couldn't go on anymore, but I still had hope, I still believe there was light at the end of the tunnel, I wasn't seeing it yet but I felt it. Hope.

After my very terrible crying episode, I couldn't sleep so I just stood up from my bed and went into the small kitchen to look for something to eat, I was miserable but I wouldn't add hunger to the list, I am lucky for the body structure I have, otherwise I would be more of bones than flesh.

I took the leftover cookies I bought from my last grocery shopping and a plate of ice cream. Yeah, think what you want, but no matter how I lack money, I'll always get ice cream. It has saved my life countless times, so I don't joke with my sweets.

I took them back to my bed, relaxed myself, and enjoyed it very well. I dipped the cookie into the ice cream and let it melt in my mouth, it was heaven.
By the time I was done with it, I felt better and went back to sleep.

The next morning, I was awoken by a knock on my door. I was gonna rip off the head of whoever that person was, I was very sure I wasn't expecting anyone and I was also sure I had paid my rent so whoever was waking me up was in for some trouble.

I wanted to ignore the knock but the person standing there wasn't having it as he or she persistently continued.

Finally having enough I grudgingly rose from my bed with murder written on my face, I was gonna murder someone.

I marched to my door and ripped it open but as soon as I came face to face with the person standing there, I was beyond shock.

"Wait what?!"

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