Chapter 55-Shocked

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The worry was eating at me, we'd been searching everywhere and calling everyone but none of them knew where she was. The CCTV camera outside the mansion showed her leaving the mansion and that was it.

I wonder why she would come out of the mansion that late, what was she looking for that couldn't wait till morning?

I was at the police station with Anna and Jordan. I was glad that prick didn't show his face here, but I guess I spoke too soon because there he was talking to the officer as they both walked into the station.


" Officer, is there any news about her whereabout?" I asked ignoring the dude that was standing beside him.

" We found something, but we need you to identify if it belongs to her," The officer said as he brought out a sealed bag with a phone inside.

He removed the phone and dropped it on the table.

" That's Katherine's phone," Anna said her voice breaking as she turned away from the phone coming into my arms.

" Where did you find it?" I asked the officer as I combed my hand through Anna's hair trying to calm her down.

" We found the phone in the park which must have been where she was before she got kidnapped.

" Kidnapped?" Jordan asked as he turned to the officer and me.

" It seems so, the phone must have fallen off when she was carried away because that's the only conclusion we can draw as of now, if she had gone to see a friend, why would her phone be at the park?" The officer said.

It made sense what he was saying, but the question now was where was she and who took her?

" Officer, how can we help? We all can't be standing here not knowing what might be happening to Katie," The bastard was right for once not like I was going to tell him that.

" For now I'm afraid there's nothing you can do but wait, we have to check her phone to know the last person she spoke to and if it has anything to do with her kidnapping," The officer said as he opened Katherine's phone while we all watched him.

" Who amongst you is Mr Green Eyes?" The officer asked looking at us all.

" That would be me," She had his name saved as Mr. Green Eyes, I wonder what my name was on her phone.

" You were the last person she spoke to at exactly 8:43 pm, did you guys meet?" The officer asked.

" No we did not, we only talked over the phone that was it," He said.

" Hmm," The officer hummed. I wished they could just arrest the annoying prick and put him behind bars, I was tired of seeing his annoying face.

" Well, she left the house about an hour after she called you, she didn't come to your house?" The officer asked.

" Why are you asking me all these questions? If she came to my house I would tell you, I wouldn't even let her leave if it was that late,"

The officer turned away from him looking at all of us as if he was looking for something.

" We'll keep you updated if there's anything, for now…" He was cut off.

" For how long?..." The Eddy guy suddenly asked getting angry.

" What if something terrible is happening to her and we're all here? Fucking shit, I'm out of here," He said before storming away.

Fucking better, he could go to the end of the earth and not return, I wouldn't give a shit about it.

My only concern right now was finding Katherine.


My head was hurting so much when I opened my eyes, I had to shut my eyes because of the blinding lights.

I no longer had on the blindfold.

I looked around to examine my surroundings, I remember that before I became unconscious there was a familiar voice that spoke into my ears. I was shocked that he would do something like this.

I heard a sound like a door opening and turned my head.

He made his way to me, a smile on his face.

" I thought you were smarter than this Katie, coming out so late at night after the Precious gift I sent you, hope you liked it by the way?"  He said and I just watched him, I couldn't believe in a million years that he would be the one behind that package.

Never would my mind think such a thing, he was supposed to be someone who cared for me but he turned out to be the cause of my pain.

It was him all along.

" You know I watched you carefully waiting for the right time to execute my plan and you made it all easy, walking right into my trap." He said with a chuckle.

" I love you for being stupid and not watching your back."

I was still in a state of shock, unable to say a thing as I just looked at him. He started circling me while I just held my breath, what would he do now? Kill me?

He suddenly stopped as he bent down placing his chin on my shoulder.

" I have a surprise for you." He whispered and I watched as the door opened revealing another shock as my breath hitched.

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