Chapter 15- The Kiss

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I felt a little bad even if I didn't know why. Maybe it was because I made the man I was lusting over angry, either way, I decided to do something as an apology so I decided to make spaghetti and meatballs, something Mr Ford told me was one of his favorites.

The spaghetti was ready, all I needed was for my boss to get back, I didn't want to lose my job.

I knew that he would be home any moment from now except he decided to be later than his usual time.

I heard the door opening and quickly got to my feet. As soon as I saw him I rushed to him and took the bag he was holding. He looked at me with raised eyebrows as if questioning what I was doing, but I didn't care.

" Welcome sir. I am so sorry for earlier today, please forgive me." I said as I gave my best puppy dog eyes and he just chuckled, shaking his head. 

He was about to leave but I held his suit but immediately left it when his eyes trailed to my hands.

" Uhm sorry sir, I made dinner, I know it's my job to make you dinner but I made this specifically to apologize, please don't say no, please sir." I brought my two hands together in a pleading gesture.

" Lead the way." I was happy he agreed, I happily made my way to the dining table as my boss followed me. I could feel eyes on my rear but I didn't mind.

He sat down while I served his dinner. I noticed his eyes wouldn't leave the little exposure on my chest. His eyes were glued there. Did I mind? No.

When he was done eating I cleared the table and he made his way upstairs to his room. I needed to do one more thing before I go to bed. I hadn't returned the shirts I ironed and I needed to do it tonight so I could finish up my work early tomorrow.

The shirts were ironed; they just needed to be kept back in the closet.

I went to my boss's room and knocked. I didn't get any response at first, but just as I was about to turn back I heard the door unlocked.

" Sorry to bother you, sir, I just want to keep these in your closet, I'll be out of your way before you know it."

He opened the door and stepped aside indicating that I could enter which I did and he closed the door behind him.

I went into his closet and kept all the shirts where they belonged.

I came out of the closet and was about to go out but I noticed my boss's clothes on the floor, I wanted to ignore them and quietly go out but I was paid to keep this room clean so I picked the clothes off the floor, but the laundry basket wasn't anywhere in sight which meant it was in the bathroom.

When I got into the bathroom I saw the basket and threw the clothes in there. Just when I was about to be on my way my eyes caught something, my boss was coming out of the jacuzzi and he did it again, he had no towel and was like a deja Vu, my eyes were glued down there.

He was wet from head to toe and his hair was on his face. I watched as he picked up the towel and cleaned himself, and that was when he noticed me.

His eyes held a glint that screamed danger but I wasn't scared.

" You have a thing for looking at naked men?" He asked me as he took predatory steps towards me. I moved one step backward as he took a step forward, each step he took forward, I took one backward until I hit the door. I had trapped myself here.

I turned to open the door and make an escape but he stopped me by closing the door with one hand, he had his left hand above my head blocking the door. I couldn't help but look down, he had a delicious V shape that disappeared down his towel that I knew so well what hid there.

I couldn't help but bite my lips. I felt his fingers run smoothly down my lover's lips as he freed them and then he spoke with the most sexy voice I've ever heard, well the only sexy voice I've ever heard.

" Let me bite that for you."

Before I knew what was happening, he covered my lips with his and I felt my whole body lit on fire. It was pure bliss. The kiss started like just two lips touching until it became a battle. When he demanded I open my mouth I didn't think twice and when our tongues collided I almost collapsed if not to his hands holding me.

His hand moved from my waist becoming bold as it traveled up my chest and he took one of my full globes in his hands and began massaging it, he pinched my nipple and I groaned in pain before he robbed it to ease my pain and it was replaced with pure pleasure.

He released my lips and then started trailing kisses down my neck. I felt like I would cum any moment.  When his lips covered one of my nipples I lost it.

"Fuck. Please do that again." He didn't wait to be told twice. He did just that.

" Do you think of me doing this to you every night?" He asked in a gruff voice, I was too lost in my world of pleasure to form any coherent response.

I felt his cock poke me hitting directly on my clit and I moaned so loudly I felt like a slut. But I didn't mind, I was sure he liked the action because he did it again taking my nipples into his mouth and I came undone.

I was breathing so fast I was sure if I didn't calm down soon I was going to pass out. When I had calmed my breathing my senses came back. I had just received an orgasm from my boss and did I feel guilty? No. But why did I want to run away?

Before I could really think about my action, I pushed off my boss, opened the door, and ran.

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