Chapter 36- Oh Shit!!

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" Why? Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked as his voice suddenly became deeper and lower reminding me of how he sounded when he groaned after an orgasm.

" I didn't say that it's just that…" He didn't let me finish as he spoke.

" You wanted that to be you so bad right?" I swear I'm nothing near innocent but as he asked me that question I couldn't help but blush. This was crazy.

" I didn't say that,"

" Hmm," He simply hummed like he didn't believe me and I couldn't help but smile.

" Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" He suddenly asked and that surprised me.

" Well, I don't think you've got the chance to tell me that because anything we're together we always seem to be in a hurry," As I said that he chuckled and that brought me a smile.

" You look even more beautiful when you smile, don't ever wear a frown, it doesn't suit you."

" Is this your way of telling me you want me to send you a sexy picture of me?" I teased.

" Well I didn't ask that but if you send me one who am I to refuse?"

" You're funny,"

" And you're sexy," I blushes again, what the fuck was wrong with me?

" How is it over there?" I asked him as I adjusted myself on the bed getting more comfortable.

" It's cold and lonely,"

" It doesn't seem like that to me," I said, referring to the dirty things he made me watch.

" You're not here, I prefer you were the one screaming and begging, you don't know how I wished you were here," As he said that without meaning to I pressed my thighs together as a light moan escaped my mouth.

" Don't do that to me, even the lightest sound from you turns me on, I've been trying to concentrate here, don't make it worse," He said, sounding like he was in pain.

" What? I didn't do anything wrong am innocent,"

" Yeah innocent, tell me about it,"

" I've got to go, I've got some schoolwork I need to finish,"

" Alright, take care of yourself," He said as he yawned.

" You seem tired,"

" I am, I've been working, I'll just take a nap, I have dinner with one of my partners, and after that, I can rest for the day,"

" Oh okay, get some rest, bye for now," I said before I ended the call and then laid on my bed, and in no time I fell asleep.


" For the hundredth time Eddy can you stop following me around?" I groaned in annoyance as I saw him behind me following me to the library.

" Please for the hundredth time can you forgive me? I didn't mean to break your flute. I'm sorry, please forgive me, and please can you call me Mr. Green eyes, I like it more, when you call me Eddy it feels like you hate me," He said with a pout and I almost cracked but I maintained my hard face.

I had already forgiven him after I had calmed down, it wasn't his fault. I knew the type of person he was, he was jovial and happy and I knew he would never intentionally hurt me in any way.

But I wouldn't be me if I didn't mess with him a little. I'll forgive him tomorrow but for now, let him keep begging.

" I don't want to talk to you yet, can you just leave me alone?"

" Yet? That means there's hope that you'll talk to me soon?"

" Whatever?" I said as I continued my walk to the library, he didn't follow me this time and for that I was glad.

I got home late today because my boss wasn't home for me to make dinner for and there was an assignment I had to finish. I was so engrossed in doing it that I didn't know it had become very late.

Anna had already gone to bed and the entire house was quiet so I just quietly made my way to my room.

I dropped my bag and took off my clothes then I went into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower, I cleaned my body and wrapped a towel as I returned to my room.

My phone light came on as a message entered my phone.

When I picked it up it was a message from Mr Vincenzo and it made me smile like a stupid love sick girl I wasn't.

The message read:

" Do you miss me?"

" No I don't," I replied just to tease him,"

" You're being a bad girl,"

" Why won't I when you have other good girls," I'm sure he knew what I was referring to.

Another message suddenly entered my phone and this one was from Eddy as he sent me several crying emojis. He was so cute, I would have to forgive him tomorrow before he enters my dream.

" You owe me a gift," I saw a message popped up from Mr Vincenzo.

" What gift is that?" I asked like I didn't know what he was talking about, what gift do you think he'd want from me that didn't involve my body?

" The picture," He sent with a winking emoji and I couldn't help but chuckle.

I decided to spice things up and send him the video I did that I had yet to send to him, the video where I fingered myself to the point that I squirted.

I know he would like that.

I went to my phone gallery to search for the video when I found it I pressed share and then send.

I opened the message with a smile. I couldn't wait to hear what he would say.

Another message suddenly popped from him and it was a simple question mark.

Why was he sending that? Didn't he like the video? I went to reply to him but I saw that I didn't send any video, but I shared a video, why didn't he receive it?

Not until I went back and saw that I had sent a video to Eddy did I understand what was happening.

Shit!! fucking shit!


Hey lovelies thanks for reading.

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