1. Documents

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   I awaken to my blaring alarm in my small dark room, "fuck I got no sleep last night, my head is throbbing" I whisper to myself as I slowly crawl out of my warm comfortable bed sheets. I tiredly walk over to my small wardrobe in the corner of my room to grab my clothes and start my day. 

    I decided on just some simple camo cargo pants with a spaghetti-strap black tank top and my military boots. I don't even have the energy for a shower this morning knowing that it's going to be a big day.

     Today is the day that my brother, Hassan, makes me join Task Force 141. makes my headache worse just thinking about it. I'm going to be pushed into a group of random men to gather information for my brother just because he told me to, I wouldn't want to reject a mission from him again. The last time I did was a night I can't forget, leaving bruises and scars all up and down my body. Despite me being his sister and only surviving family he definitely doesn't treat me like it, or even as a human being. just another pawn in his game to partner with the cartel for his terrorism.

My brother is a horrible man.

    As I'm lacing my last boot up I hear banging at my door. "I'm ALMOST READY" I yell to the person behind the door. I turn around to my brother's assistant, she's a very tough lady but still has somewhat of a heart, she's the only person in the base who feels pity for me. 

   "good morning y/n, today is the day. I finished filing your fake documents and now my hope is to have one of the moles that's close with Task Force 141 to deliver them to Captain Price." My brother's assistant says softly. whenever she comes into my room for a mission she always looks at me like I'm a starving kicked puppy. I must look like that anyway after the years of enduring my brothers' abuse. "in your document I included some things that you are already very good at like close combat and sniping, the other parts I just hyped up to make you seem even more impressive so price can't resist you helping with this mission" she speaks. "thanks" I mumble as I finish tying my boot.

   "well then y/n, that's all we can do for now, I'm going to head out and deliver these to the mole so Price can see them, finish getting ready and packing, We have breakfast in the cafeteria." she walks out mumbling to herself and I get a sense of relief, I'm not much of a talker and her rambling always gets on my nerves.

  I throw the rest of my clothes and toiletries into my duffel bag and toss it onto my bed, the only thing in my room I'm leaving behind is my bed sheets and room decor knowing that one day I will be back in this room continuing my life of hell.

   As I make my way down the empty leaky corridors into the cafeteria I hear snickering from some of my brother's men as they know I'm being sent out on another cruel mission today. I'm just praying it won't be like the last one, a shudder runs through my body as I think about all my teammate's dog tags in my bedside table drawer. I take a seat at the farthest empty table from everyone else so as to not be bothered by anyone trying to bring my will down. I take a bowl from the counter. great, I think to myself. another bowl of flavorless soggy oatmeal. I'm hoping my new base will have some decent food.

A girl can dream.

  after clearing my dishes and heading out the door to the training room I feel a hand on my shoulder. I ball up my fist thinking it's one of my brother's men about to beat me to a pulp again for no reason other than pure enjoyment, when I turn around I see my brother.

"Hassan," I say shakily, "w-what are you doing here I thought you were hiding out in another safe house?" I mumble.

"Well, I couldn't skip seeing my favorite and only sister on her day off to be a good little mut and gather my information, could I?" he says in a deathly voice.

The words just leave my mouth, I don't know why I said it but I did. "As if you care enough to come to say goodbye". I realize my grave mistake as the words leave my mouth. he slaps my face leaving a red print that starts to rise on my cheek. I try my damn hardest to hold back tears knowing that will only make him angrier. 

"i-i I'm sorry Hassan I didn't mean it"

He gives me a scowl and walks in the direction of his office, I thank the gods he didn't give me a more severe punishment, maybe he didn't want to mark me up too much or the new task force would be suspicious.

I decide to walk down the corridors to the training room punching bag to let off some steam, I hit it for what feels like 30 minutes correcting my stances and delivering harder blows imagining it's my brother's face when I look at the time noticing it has been 3 hours, shit.

I start to walk out when a calm voice from the other side of the room yells for me, "Y/n!" I turn my head slightly to see my brother's assistant making her way over. what could she possibly need now, I think to myself.

"Y/n! it's price! he's accepted and would like to meet you!" she says this with delight knowing her plan and fake documents on me had worked, i myself almost feel happy too as I get to leave this place for a while. I thank her and walk to grab my duffel bag off of my bed and take one last look at my empty tiny room. I need to get to the base of where the mole who helped us out is located so that from there I can get a lift on the heli to my new task force.

I almost shake with excitement knowing my brother might finally be happy and content with me once this mission is over.

1070 words

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