23. Mission Surprise Party is go.

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      I wake up at ass o clock in the morning. I groan and try to roll back into the comfortable warm sleep but my brain for some reason refuses to. maybe it's the nervousness of being sent out on the mission today. 

   I look over at my alarm to see it's 3:30 am. 

   I curse my stupid nervousness in keeping me awake since I could be sleeping another 4 hours before I have to get up and going since I'm already packed.

   I step out of bed and throw a shirt on since all I'm wearing is my underwear. not even a bra since it's painful to wear while sleeping.

   I make my way down the hall praying that nobody is awake to see my bare legs. I just want to go get a glass of water and try and go back to sleep so I'm well-rested for the mission.

   I step into the kitchen and spot a tall dark shadow in the corner. I internally grumble, thinking it's ghost but I then realize the shadow is much taller than him.

   "Jesus konig, can you maybe not lurk in the shadows like an Austrian Batman?"

   Konig chuckles and steps into the moonlight from the window. When I see his tall frame leaning over me I make eye contact with him and see his eyes slowly trace down my bare legs.

   "not into wearing pants, shatz?"

   My face goes red hot.

  "uh, my room just gets very hot at night," I say.

  Konig turns around and sets his glass in the sink and I hear him quietly say-

   "my room is nice and cold if you'd like to stay in it with me."

    I take a step back and replay his words in my head. 


    "nothing liebling, go get some sleep."

   "no konig, what did you say?"

    I hear a low growl from his throat and he quickly turns around grabbing me under my arms and setting me on the counter.

   Before I can even utter a word or tell him to stop he pulls his mask up and attacks my lips with his. I put my hand up to his chest and pushed him back. why the fuck would he do that?


   I don't say a word. I hop off of the counter pushing past Konig without even looking at him and make my way to the only place I still feel comfortable. Soaps arms.

  I arrive at Soap's door and knock a few times. I wait for about a minute before a shirtless soap in boxers opens the door looking tired with a messy mowhawk.

   "I-I'm sorry to wake you Johnny I just really can't be alone right now."

    "no problem lass, you're welcome at any hour because ya know I love ya."

   I wrap my shaky arms around Soap's waist and push us both into his room.

 why did I react like that with Konig? PTSD?

   I let out a shaky sigh and crawled into bed with soap, thanking him in my head for not throwing a thousand questions at me.

   I press my head against his warm chest and manage to get a few more hours of sleep.

    The next morning when me and soap get up I have to leave his room for him to pack. since I already packed there's not much for me to do but go sit in the lounge for a while. 

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