20. sweet dreams

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       Me and Soap walk hand in hand towards his bedroom after the announcement from Price, ready to get a good night's sleep for the upcoming mission in a few days. I could be staying in my own bed but I feel more relaxed when im sleeping in soaps embrace. no more night terrors, no more insomnia, no more anxiety. just comfort.

   We lay down and Soap reaches over me grabbing my waist tightly and I hear a small whimper come from him.

    "you ok Johnny?"

    "i-i need you y/n."

  Before I can respond im flipped over so im laying on my back and Soap gets on top of me and aggressively crushes my lips with his. 


    "stay quiet for me. ok, princess?"

    I nod and what feels like a flash both me and soaps clothes are tossed aside on the floor while he is on top of me kissing me like a hungry wolf.

   I let out a gasp as I felt his tip start to slide into me and stretch me out.

  I moan and start rocking my hips against his to get used to his member's size. once I adjust I give him a nod and he starts pounding into me at a feral rate.


  I Wake up with a gasp and jolt sitting up. I sit there for a few moments and look over at Johnny who's lying on his side.

   Fucking pervert you can't think of your best friend like that! 

  I groan and lay down next to Johnny again and press my body against his to get comfortable and try to chase these thoughts out of my mind about him.

   "you alright there lass?"

   "yeah just a dream Johnny im fine, don't really want to talk about it."

   "mmm, sure it didn't have to do anything with you saying my name over and over again in your sleep princess?"

   I turn over and elbow him in the chest playfully.

   "That's not funny soap!"

   He lets out a light chuckle and I turn back on my side so he's spooning me. I let out a sigh and stared at the blank wall while thinking about what he said. the heat in my cheeks is very much noticeable, thank god im lying on my side so he can't see.

   I can't really fall asleep after what happened but the alarm goes off in a few minutes anyway so I decided just to get up now and ready myself for the day.

   I hear John groan as I sit up and move away from his resting body. I run a hand along his bicep and take the blankets off of me before making my way to my own dorm to change and get ready to go over the plan with price. im assuming ill have to go into town to get my dress for the masquerade.

   I throw on a white tank top and grey sweatpants and put my hair up into a loose braid and step out of my room locking it, we have a break from training today so I see no need to put on my uncomfortable uniform.               

   I make my way down to Price's office and knock on the door quietly as it's still super early. 

   I don't hear a response which is odd considering Price is usually in his office at this time so I knock again but to no avail.     

   I turn the knob a bit and noticed its unlocked. I step into the room to see Price passed out on his desk snoring loudly with piles of paperwork around him. poor man.                                                 

   I giggle and pull out my phone to snap a picture of him to show the others later.

  I forget to turn the flash off so the second the bright light illuminates the room price shoots up from his desk and looks all around the room scanning his surroundings quickly. When his eyes land on me he lets out a sigh and points his finger at me tiredly.

   "you better delete that y/n or ill have your arse!"

   I ignore his threat and take a seat across from him sliding my phone back into its pocket.

  "im assuming your here about the mission so I'll give you a basic run down, we already have a suit for soap from previous missions but we don't have a dress for you so I'll send you and Gaz into town when he wakes up to pick one out. the party is yellow and black theme so choose something along the lines of that and maybe buy some makeup too."

"yes sir, thank you."

  He nods and hands me a small yellow envelope with 300$ in it.

  "Be a good girl and use it well."

  I chuckle and step out of the office to go find soap and let him know that im leaving later. wouldn't want him missing me too much. ah im funny.

   I wander into the lounge to see soap spread across the whole couch with a pillow in his arms, snoozing off. when does this guy ever not feel the need to sleep?

   I snatch the pillow from his arms and throw it at his face, soap jolts up, and starts to panic until his eyes land on me.

   "aye! What the bloody hell lass I was havin' a good dream!"

   "well sorry to wake you sleeping beauty but I wanted to let you know im leaving for town with Kyle in a bit to go dress shopping, you can come if you want but it may be a bit boring."

   "agh', to hell with that im not missin' the chance to watch you play dress up, princess." he winks at me and sits up from the couch, and grabs the pillow from before lightly throwing it at me.

   We both laugh and wander into the kitchen to find some cereal to get the day started. Upon walking in I see Konig sitting and eating alone. he lifts his mask for another bite of his cereal and for a split second, I catch a glimpse of his sharp jawline. konig takes notice of this and chuckles before patting the seat next to him. I grab a bowl and plop down on the bench next to Konig and soap sits across from us watching Konig intently.

  I blush at soap's possessiveness but decide to just focus on the food in front of me while taking small bites.

  After I finish I dump my bowl into the sink and leave the two men sitting in there alone while I go looking for garrick.

  After about 5 minutes of walking, I find him stumbling out of his room tiredly to the lounge area. I grab his shoulder startling him lightly and then proceed to fill him in on today's plan. He agrees and kisses me on the forehead before sitting down on the couch to watch TV.


Tysm for 2k reads and don't forget to vote it helps a lot😘 love yalllll

1156 Words

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