19. Target

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   As I walked with Gaz and soap into the meeting room the first 2 things my eyes landed on were 1. Konig is finally back, and 2. Bella was sitting right next to ghost with her arm linked with his and him seeming unbothered by it. why the fuck do i care after what he did to me?

    I snap out of my thoughts and wave to Konig before sitting between him and Soap.

   "OK, everyone. The last mission was a flop from the shitty intel but the new intel received from one of Laswell's friends Yuri seems to be pretty accurate on the whereabouts of a man named Yusuf who is a big supplier of hassans. There is going to be an auction among millionaires and terrorists where they are auctioning off firearms, a missile, and cocaine. we are going to assign 2 of you to make a fake invite and join the party to take out the target. you may all have a break from training today while me and Laswell will decide who the couple will be. and don't worry about your identity because it's a masked party."

    Everyone kind of looks at each other and back at price questioning if this is some kind of prank.

   "Sir, don't you think that's still a bit risky despite the masks?" questions Gaz.

    "I believe in our team and abilities, if I didn't I wouldn't even consider this mission."

   Garrick sighs and stands from his chair making his way out of the room. soon after Bella ghost and Gaz follow and head to the lounge.

   "Shadow. I know I said me and Laswell may need to discuss this but personally I think you'd be quite a fit for the job as your small stealthy and accurate."

   Me and Soap both look up at price a little bit taken aback by his proposal.

    "with all due respect price. fuck no. She just finished recovering and now you're throwing her back in?" soap says angrily.

   Price just sighs and gives him a look that says, this isn't negotiation this is orders.

   Soap glares back unwavering.

   "Sir, wouldn't it make more sense to send Bella though? She's new and would be less detectable," I ask.

   "well frankly y/n, you happen to be a bit more, likable, and she's still very new so I don't know how well that works out. and from what you've seen she's also quite a hot head and we can't risk that blowing our cover therefore you being the only other female seem fit."

   Soap huffs at his words and places his hand on mine.

   "y/n, just know I wouldn't place this in your hands if I didn't trust you wholeheartedly. I'm happy you're on my team."

   I smile and nod at his words then exit the room and head for the lounge in need of a drink.

    "ah! Shatz, come here." Konig says while patting the seat on the couch next to him. you can see by the creases in the corners of his eyes that he's smiling. For a 6,10 mountain of a man, he has his adorable moments.

   I walk to the cabinet near the TV and pull out some shot glasses and bourbon then take a seat next to Konig. he swings his arms around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him earning a scowl from Bella. what is it with her and wanting all the male attention in the room??

    "Liebling, how have you been?"

   "ok, I guess, a bit nervous about the mission," I say throwing down a shot.

    "fair enough after what happened last time."

    I pour another shot and throw it back making my throat burn. I know I shouldn't be drinking like this when there's an upcoming mission but I'm too exhausted to care at this point.

   "Hey, easy," Gaz says sitting on the other side of me.

   Gaz takes the small glass from me and pours himself one before putting it in the sink with the rest of the dirty dishes. I roll my eyes but know he's just trying to help me.

   I need something to occupy myself for the next hour so I decide to make everyone dinner. I wanted to make homemade grilled cheese and tomato soup for everyone.

   I start prepping everything to get dinner ready and then ghost walks into the kitchen.

   "making dinner y/n?"

    "go talk to your pet ghost I'm not interested in having a conversation with you."

    He sighs and I hear his footsteps from behind me start to walk away but as I'm cutting tomatoes I feel 2 large hands on my waist flipping me around as ghost pins me against the counter.

    "I asked you a question, love."

    "get off of me!"

    His grip doesn't falter as he watches me squirm under his massive frame.

    I don't say anything more I just look into his eyes with hatred and anger and he finally lets go.

   "smells good. save me some."

   I scoff as he walks away, pissed off by his sudden boldness and the way he was acting towards me as if he and Bella weren't all over each other a few minutes ago. I think about his hands on my waist and can't help but blush. god damnit why can't I get a grip on myself?

   I turn back to my cooking and throw everything needed for the soup into the pot and head back out to the lounge. I take a seat next to Soap and lean into him. I don't even have to look up to know ghost is staring. I can feel his eyes and jealousy burning into my skin.

     A half-hour later with the tomato soup boiling and simmering  I start getting to work on the grilled cheese and plate them up.  I call everyone in and they make a line all staring at the food with desperate hunger and impatience. once everyone is plated up we all go sit out in the lounge to eat our food and watch a show.

    "bloody hell lass! you know how to cook a mean dinner." soap says as he stuffs more grilled cheese into his mouth.

    I smile at him and look down at my food taking small bites.

   "aye, it is good shadow. I think you need to quit cooking for Johnny though he's been gaining a bit of fat from all the meals you keep stuffing down his throat." Gaz chuckles.

   "Oi! thas not true Garrick." soap whines.

   Gaz lifts up soaps shirt a bit and pokes his stomach and watching it sink in. I giggle a smile up at Soap happy he's eating and enjoying my food. he doesn't look fat but you can slightly tell he's being fed a little too well.

   Soap's face blushes in embarrassment and he groans.

   "aye, can you blame me though Kyle? a beautiful lass cooking amazing food for me every day."

   I laugh at his comment and finish off my soup when I look up to see Price walk in.

   "ok 141, me and Laswell have agreed the 2 people that will go are going to be Mactavish and Shadow. I chose Shadow because I trust her and her stealth proves to be very good and I chose MacTavish since he doesn't wear a mask and can do a good Russian accent, gaz would've been an option but he doesn't know how to do the accent accurately. I don't want to hear any buts, just yes sir."

   we all say yes sir and carry on our show. 

   "by the way ghost, you and Kyle will be at a vantage point near the mansion to keep watch in case of anything goes wrong, and I'll be at the evac car if things go south."

    Ghost nods without a word spoken and continues working on his food.

   "what about me sir?" Amber whimpers.

    "uh, you're staying here recruit. very important."

   Bella huffs and lays on ghost's lap while she plays with a strand of her hair.

   I pick up me and soaps dishes and head back into the kitchen to clean everything up.

   This mission is going to be tough.

1365 Words


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