9. Safe House

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 A bit of NSFW warning.

   I wake up slowly feeling the helicopter shake violently as we get closer to landing. Ghost's arm is around me and I'm still lying on his shoulder. "shadow, get up. were landing." he says. I slowly sit up with my vision going in and out of blurriness as the sleep from the long trip wears off. I wonder if Ghost even slept at all on the 10-hour trip. He doesn't seem to get a lot of rest anyway.

   1 by 1 we step off the heli, grab our bags and boxes full of gear, and make our way to a large truck. "don't worry y/n, this truck is bigger, won't have to make the guys get all pissy about whos lap you're on." price chuckles.

    I look over to find ghost but realize he's already looking at me making my face blush. he has a serious staring problem. "alright gang, this drive is only about 20 minutes to the safe house. make sure once we get there you have plenty of rest for the big mission tomorrow, we can't let Hassan get away this time. be up at 4 am sharp, we're leaving 5 am." price says. We all nod. "sir yes sir."

   I hop into the car in the back seat with Ghost and stare out the window as the car starts rolling through a small wooded area. everything just seems so peaceful. ironic since tomorrow I will be facing my brother and bloodshed. I shake a bit thinking about how I'm going to face Hassan, I'm sure at this point he's noticed I'm not sending any intel, and something is wrong. it'll only confirm his suspicions when he sees me with task 141 going against him and trying to capture him.

   Ghost seems to notice my nervousness with my bouncing leg and wandering eyes, he places his hand on my thigh which calms me down a bit. when I first met him, he was a cold-hearted asshole but now he's telling me to be safe and caressing my thigh to comfort me. never judge a book by its cover I guess.

   the drive doesn't take very long and eventually, we pull up into a tiny neighborhood covered in the cold snow of Russia. the safe house is a small 2-story blue house, very cozy looking. "everyone we have limited rooms and have to share, you'll be sharing your room with whoever you were assigned with for this mission. Soap you go with ghost and shadow since their room is the biggest, I don't want to hear a single damn argument over the poor girl" Price announces. I gulp, that means I'll be sharing a room with Ghost and soap.

   Soap looks at Ghost's hand resting on my back and gives a scowl, he knows if he didn't have to share a room with us that ghost would be between Y/n's legs the second they stepped into the room. it pissed him off that he wasn't good enough.

   I walk down the hallway past all of the bedrooms that everyone's already claimed and open the door of me ghost and soaps room. I take a step back. Fucking hell. there are only 2 beds, not 3. There's a queen and a twin bed. before I can even choose where I'm going to sleep ghost grabs my bag from my hand and tosses it onto the queen bed along with his bag. well, I guess he chose for me.

   soap is about to say something but then remembers what Price said, and he doesn't want to get his nose broken again after it finally got set back in place. he just huffs like an angry toddler and sits on his bed laying back to rest.

   after we all finish unpacking and setting our gear aside price orders some Chinese food for all of us for dinner. I haven't eaten since we left the base so this was heavenly. "thank you price, it's really good." I say while stuffing my face. "no problem y/k, need all the food you can get, no telling how long we will be out tomorrow."

   While everyone finishes eating and puts on a show I walk back to the room and get ready for bed. thankfully our room has a small bathroom attached so I don't have to share with 6 other men. When I step out of the bathroom I feel someone grab my waist tightly, I start to panic and turn around but it's just ghost. he's not wearing his skull mask, just a black balaclava.

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