3. Prove yourself

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   I wake up in my bed shaking and sweating tremendously, fucking nightmares. I think to myself. As I start to get up out of bed I look over at the time. 5:30 am. I sigh and thank god that I didn't sleep in too much as that would leave a bad impression on my new team. how embarrassing that would be. today I have to prove myself by showing my hand-to-hand combat skills so they can see if I'm a good fit for the team. I sit in bed for another minute to hype myself up into getting ready for a long day of training. 

   As I finish waking up for the day I walk over to my vanity to brush out my long dark hair and find some clothes to wear for the day, I decide on some grey sweatpants and a black crop top, which might not be the best for training today but holy fuck is it cold this morning.

as I'm finishing up getting ready I hear a knock at my door and see ghost standing there. "uhm good morning L.T., can I help you?" I say a bit shaken up, this man is scary. I've heard things about him before and know he's a ruthless cold-blooded man, and now, he's sitting at my doorway.

"get breakfast and meet me in the training room in an hour. You going to be going up against soap and then me" he says. I nod and he walks away. since the hallways are cold I grab a hoodie before heading out the door into the cafeteria. As I walked in I noticed some men I hadn't met who were standing near the door, they must be trainees.

"good morning there gorgeous, mind if I ask why ghost was in your room this morning?" one of them says. "he was just telling me to get ready for training in an hour," I said. the man looks me up and down and smirks. "sure you're not a barracks bunny little girl?" he laughs.

   I walked away angrily towards the line to get my food, I was shocked, it was actually good food, pancakes were put on my plate. my mouth started watering as I just stared at them for a while.

   eventually, I just decided to go sit and eat in the living room rather than In the cafeteria with that idiot and his goons. As I walked towards the couches I saw that Soap and Gaz were already out there sitting and ghost was just leaning against the wall. 

   "ah! There's the pretty lass!" soap says, I smile at him. I had never really gotten complimented before I came to 141, before I came here it was creepy men in the hallways of my old base that would try to grab me and catcall disgusting shit into my ears. even when I was young.

   soap patted the spot next to him on the loveseat to get me to come sit with him and eat,  I sat down and he immediately put his arm around me which made me blush, I decided to lean into him a bit just to be a tease. when I finished eating up my pancakes I glanced up and noticed that ghost was staring at Soap's arm around me, when he caught my gaze he just turned and walked out of the room. well, that was weird. I thought. 

   I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that it was time for training so I caught soaps attention who was dozing off on the couch and told him we had to go, he placed his plate down as we made our way to the training room and I noticed ghost was already there working on the punching bag, I hated to admit it to myself but he looked hot. he was wearing black cargos with a skin-tight shirt that hugged all of his muscles which were glistening with sweat. I started to blush a bit when I noticed I was staring and heading towards the mat in the middle of the room.

   as I and soap walked onto the mat I noticed that Price had walked into the room to observe and that's when I knew I had to be at my best. I got into my best stance and Soap got into his, I have to admit I was a bit worried, soap was at least 6 feet tall and I was much shorter than him, my brother had trained me for years though so it wouldn't be much of a problem.

   price put his arm down to signal to start, as I turned my head back over I noticed that Soap was already barrelling towards me trying to sweep my feet from under me, I jumped up last second and grabbed his neck, soap twisted around and managed to kick one of my legs from under me which took me off balance but as I got back up I twisted around with a punch to the stomach, soap groaned and I knew this was my chance, I got behind him and kicked the back of his knees causing him to fall onto his knees, that's when I dove forward grabbing soap and putting him into a headlock with my thighs. I was sitting on his chest with his head between my thighs and he was struggling to breathe as I tightened my grip. "tap out soap!" I said I didn't want to seriously injure him. his still didn't tap out though so I had to call match before he passed out.

   soap groaned as I helped him up, "Why the hell didn't you tap out soap you were choking!" I yell, his face is bright red and he looks guilty. that's when I realised and my face started going red too. so that's why he didn't tap out. I thought to myself embarrassed.

  I turned over to Price and he started laughing to the point where tears were in his eyes, he wasn't laughing at me though he was laughing at Soap's flustered face. i looked over and even ghost was chuckling to himself.

"you did good kid ill give you that!" price said while patting me on the back.

"my turn," ghost said. I couldn't lie he was very intimidating but I think I could take him down.

  that's when I was proved wrong, ghost ripped off his shirt revealing rock-hard abs and scars all across his body, I was drooling at the sight not realizing I was staring. "take a picture it'll last longer" ghost teased. "sorry sorry I was zoned out" I lied.

   as me and ghost started sparring I knew I was in for a rough ride, it took me 3 minutes to take down soap but Ghost was on a whole other level, it was almost 10 minutes before he had me pinned down underneath him, and I had to tap out. I was disappointed but Price reassured me nobody had gotten that close to winning and I was officially on the team now. 

   I couldn't stop myself from smiling, this mission will be a whole lot easier now that I've proved myself to be a worthy team member. 

    Ghost turns to me as I reach for my bottle of water when Price looks away, "your fucking weak Sargent. Won't last a month here. less than a month actually, might as well leave now. and fix your goddamn staring problem." he says, the annoyance and frustration in his voice present.

    I just ignore him and keep drinking from my water bottle. I will not be put down by some asshole who just doesn't like me.

   as I started to head out to the door I heard Soap yelling at me, I stopped walking and let him catch up to me, "Tonight we're going to a bar an hour away from here to celebrate you coming to the team, cant miss this! 'll come to get you when its time to go and make sure to dress nice" I nodded and thanked Soap as he walked away. on my way back I felt eyes on me. I turn to see the same guy from the cafeteria. "heard your going to the bar tonight gorgeous, have fun there" he said while smirking then walked away. that was weird. I thought.

  I make my way to the showers before I get ready to leave, I smell of sweat and there's no way I'm going out smelling bad. only 1 shower had a stall while the rest were out in the open, I stripped down fast to make sure nobody would come in and see me naked before I got into the shower and cleaned all the sweat and dust off of me. I put a towel around myself and returned to my room praying I wouldn't run into anyone. just my luck, as I turned the corner I saw ghost there and he was staring at my bare legs. I felt a bit weirded out so I just continued to my room ignoring him.

   I looked back once and he just smirked and insulted me under his breath.

1535 words

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