5. Violation

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TW this chapter has attempted rape so if that is an uncomfortable topic for you please skip this chapter.

Ghosts POV

  The whole night at the bar it felt like y/n was taunting me the way she had soaps arm around her waist, god I wish it was mine. I'm not sure if there together or not but if they are id be questioning some things. what the fuck would a beautiful girl like her be doing with a muppet like soap.

    I know I haven't been the nicest to her since she has been here but god I want her so bad, I feel like deep down I resist being nice to her or making moves knowing she will end up being another distraction or just leading me to get hurt like every other woman.

  Again, I'm not nice to her but maybe that's just when I'm ghost. When I'm ghost I'm cold-hearted and mean and distance myself from people. but when I'm drunk or not wearing the skull I'm Simon Riley, maybe that's why at the bar, I pulled her onto my lap, maybe that's why I kissed her in the game, maybe that's why I got so fucking jealous when she made out with soap.

I just can't help myself, I'm going to try harder, to keep her away from Johnny and to make y/n mine.

Y/n / Shadows POV

  as I step out of the car and off of ghosts lap I hear him groan like he's annoyed. I choose to ignore it and make my way back to my room through the hallways that seem longer than normal, every few steps I start to stumble and have to grab the wall to keep myself steady and upright. I continue to walk my vision getting blurrier and I start to giggle at my sudden inability to walk, I'd ask Soap to carry me but I think he would fall over given his state of drunkenness too.

  as I keep wandering down the halls I feel myself trip and I mentally prepare for the pain of the impact from the floor, but it doesn't come. I look up to see the man from the cafeteria grabbing me so I don't fall, "thanks" i mumble and continue trying to walk. "hey wait slow down, i know we got off on a rough start but I really think you should slow things down, your quite drunk." he says. "fineee" I nod and lean against the wall, he hands me a cup of water and i thank him not questioning where he got it, drinking the whole thing hoping ill sober up a bit. that's when I start to black out.

  I wake up on a bottom bunk, I'm in the trainee's room, and I'm surrounded by the guy and around 10 of his friends who all share this room. I try to look around but my head is spinning. I then try to get up only to realize my arms are tied behind my back and my ankles are tied together. I'm about to yell for help but then realize my mouth has tape over it causing me to panic. oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. tears come to my eyes and I see that I'm in nothing but my panties and a shirt that isn't mine.

   "boys she's awake!" says one of them, "I say we get this thing started eh?" another one says while unzipping his pants. I scream into the tape but barely any sound comes out and tears stream down my face.

  "haha even better when she cries," another one says. these fuckers spiked my drink. I look for the guy from the cafeteria and spot him, when he sees me looking at him he comes over to whisper in my ear. "barrack bunny" he chuckles. I try to scream again as one of the guys lines up his cock on the outside of me getting ready to violate my body when I hear the door open.

its ghost.

  he rushes over to me seeing me tied up he looks me up and down with shock in his eyes as the realization of the situation smacks him in the skull like a brick, anger boils inside of him which is visible through his eyes and he yells- "WHOEVER THE FUCK DID THIS COME FORWARD RIGHT FUCKING NOW."

  nobody comes forward. ghost then turns to me and takes the tape off my face. "y/n, do you know who did this to you?" ghost says softly, I nod and point at the guy with tears still rolling down my face.

  ghost doesn't even hesitate. he walks over to the guy and punches him in the face beating him up until his face and body are bloodied and bruised. he turns to the other guy he walked in on that was about to violate me and his fate is the same. he drops to the ground next to his friend holding his face screaming.

   I can't help but feel joy as I watch this. they deserved every single hit.

   Since Ghost has the authority he straight up told all of them to pack every single last item and leave, not even caring that it was 1 in the morning. none of them even try to talk back as they'd rather not get facial dysmorphia from ghost fists.

ghost comes back over to me and unties me. "are you ok y/n? I'm so fucking sorry, thank god I walked in when I did to make sure they were asleep."

   I nod that I'm okay even though I'm not. my body feels weak from the alcohol and whatever drugs they spiked my drink with. ghost sees me struggling to get up so he walks over and picks me up bridal style while carrying me back to my room. I throw my arms around his neck just looking for any comfort at all and he feels warm.

  as we keep going in the direction of my room I start to break down and cry while in Ghost's arms. I must look so weak right now. "y/n... before I came in, did any of them... you know?" ghost says softly. I shake my head no. "they were calling me a barrack bunny." I say while still crying. ghost doesn't respond he just looks into my eyes with sadness.

  we finally reach my room and ghost opens it walks in and sets me down on my bed. "get some sleep Sargeant." he says. before I even know or think about what I'm saying words come out of my mouth. "w-wait, ghost, can you please stay with me until I fall asleep?" I ask. I expected him to say sorry no, or just entirely ignore me but he doesn't, he just nods and sits on the side of my bed next to me after closing my door.

    I reach over and hug Ghost while crying, wrapping my arms around his neck. he cautiously puts his arms around me too pulling me closer. after I let go I just lay down in my bed as ghost softly strokes my hair and tells me to sleep. I don't think I've ever felt more comforted in my life. 

  that's when I knew, I had to give up on this mission for my brother, I had to stay with 141 and tell Captain Price everything and hope he will promise my safety from my brother Hassan.

1244 words

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