18. Bella

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A/n: Sorry for taking so long to update I was in Australia <3


       Bella Petrov, I've heard that but where?

  While im lost in thought, blankly staring at Price- a girl a little taller than me steps out from the shadows behind Price.

   It's her, the girl from the file that I read.

   She steps more into the light and I instantly hear a small audible gasp from ghost. so quiet i almost missed it. I scoffed at him and turned my attention back to Bella.

   "Everyone this is Bella, callsign Amber. I expect you all to treat her with respect in the time that she is here." price announces.

   All the boys in the room attentions seem to be fixated on her gorgeous face besides soap. he steps closer to me and puts an arm around my shoulders pulling me to him. I blush at this small act but im glad everyone is focusing on her so they don't see my pink-tinted cheeks.

    Price went around introducing Bella to everyone one at a time. for every person, she had a wide smile on her face but when she got to me it dropped to a scowl, then back to all sunshine and rainbows when she met soap.

   When she got around to ghost her smile changed from a normal one to a sexy smirk.

  "Well hello, you must be LT ghost. I've heard sooo much about you," she said seducingly while brushing his arm with her small hands.

   Ghost just huffed but didn't say anything which kind of took me by surprise. He was not a very touchy-feely kind of guy.

   we all had the day off so we just kind of agreed on watching a movie and drinking a bit. the others were going to drink but not me. I still felt hungover as hell from the other night and some plain vodka didn't sound very appetizing.

   I was sitting in between soap and Gaz and to the left on the loveseat was ghost. a few minutes later Bella plopped down right next to him and gave him a warm smile despite there being hardly any room on the loveseat with ghosts large frame. when she looked over to me she scoffed and leaned in on ghost and yet again he didn't resist. Im not even going to lie it kind of hurt. 

   Price walked hurriedly into the room-

   "shadow Id like you to asses Amber here on her knife combat skills. gaz will asses her shooting skills. and ghost will asses her hand-to-hand combat and you will all score her on a 1-10 and report back to me."

   We all nod and Price leaves the room. he seems stressed out today.

  "shall we go amber?" I say gesturing towards the door.

   She just rolls her eyes and gets up but not before squeezing Ghost's thigh. I start to cringe inside. Soap gives me a reassuring smile.

   "I'll walk you guys there princess," he says getting up.

   "wow, I've never been referred to as princess before but thanks handsome," Amber says while smirking at him.

    soap just scoffs and puts an arm around me.

    "Don't worry, wasn't talkin' to you carrot."

    Her smirk gets wiped off her face and is replaced with a death glare, but not at soap, at me. what the fuck is this girls problem?

   I shake off my bad feelings about her and lead her to the training room.

   I hand her a small hand blade and soap sits on a bench to watch.

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