8. Back Car Seat

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    I wake up in Simon's bed and look around, he's not lying next to me anymore. must've gone to get ready for today's mission. I sit up slowly on the bed and look at my surroundings, most things in his room are stacked neatly and the air smells like ghosts' natural musk.

   I smile as I look down and see that I'm wearing nothing but a shirt and my underwear, the shirt is massive and I know then that it is ghost's, not mine. As I sit on the edge of the bed I pull up my sweatpants I was wearing the other night and stand up. My legs start to shake and give out making me lean against the wall to keep my balance.

   I stand there for a minute until I hear the doorknob turn and a skull mask put its head through the door. "thought you'd be up and ready by now" Simon says. "sorry, I'm having trouble walking" I say as my face turns a shade of red from embarrassment. ghost doesn't say anything, he just looks me up and down and chuckles, proud of himself.

  "might want to regain balance soon, price wants us in the living room for a brief on the mission before we go in 2 hours." I nod and try standing again, stumbling a bit but I start taking steps and my legs seem to be functioning ok.

   Simon moves out of the way and we both walk in the direction of Price's office.

   I take a step through the door and instantly notice Soap's chest rise and fall heavily as he glares at Ghost with a frown.

    I'm about to question Soap when Gaz leans over and whispers in my ear, "The walls here are pretty thin." my face feels hot and I look back at Soap who is now staring at the floor and his feet making guilt wash over me. he looks defeated.

   price begins to speak, "I am pairing all of you guys up for this mission and we will be infiltrating this possible safe house in order to capture Hassan and gain information on the location of the US missiles that he has in his possession, there are 3 groups and 3 floors in the safe house to do a sweep on. gaz and I will take the first floor, Alejandro and Konig will take the second floor, ghost and Y/n will take the third floor. soap I need you to stay on the hill near the safe house and keep an eye on everyone with your sniper and call backup if needed"

soap nods and the rest of us look up at price ready for the mission.

as we make our way to the locker rooms I feel someone grab me around my waist and pull me into a nearby janitor's closet. when the light flicks on I'm met with the face of soap.

  "what were you doing with Ghost last night?" he says, I don't respond I just look down at the floor and fidget with my fingers. "un-fucking believable" Soap walks out and closes the door with a slam behind him. I want to run after him and say something to him, anything, but I know he won't give me the chance to. I hurt soap.

   as I'm stepping out of the closet I feel myself being tugged again by the wrist into a hallway, this time it's ghost though. I'm sick of being pulled around. "ghost, I-" his lips push against mine passionately while he presses me against the wall arms around my waist. I gasp and look up into his eyes as he pulls away, forgetting my interaction with soap a moment ago.

"be safe, luv" ghost says.

   I nod and pull him into a tight hug, he still doesn't know that Hassans my brother and that if I see him during this mission, I'm done for.

    30 minutes later we all finished getting geared up and made our way to the jeep for the trip to the place were being picked up by the helicopter. once again we're taking the smaller Jeep so I have to sit on someone's lap which is going to be even more uncomfortable now that we're wearing our heavy bulletproof vests.

 as I walk over to Ghost about to sit down but Price shakes his head, "Go sit with soap, ghost has too much gear on right now so we don't want him getting cramped up." I nod nervously and walk to the back where soap is. he has a smirk and is looking at ghost through the rearview mirror with a smug look. ghost growls angrily.

"All alright team, the ride shouldn't be too long, just under 2 hours then a 10-hour flight so make sure to get sleep this trip." we all nod at Price and start the car up as he puts the last of the boxes in the trunk full of gear.

  while the car starts moving forward down the dirt road I feel 2 arms snake their way around my waist. I start to blush as Soap holds me against him as sort of a seatbelt. about 20 minutes into the ride it isn't so bad but I'm getting bored and it's tiring to have to just sit up without leaning on anything. As we go over a bump I feel Soap's body tense up and he curses under his breath. I look back at him and he seems nervous. "you ok soap?" he nods a bit still looking nervous. then I feel it. it. something is poking in between my legs and I can take a wild guess what it is.

   I turn back to soap, my face completely red with nervous excitement and embarrassment. he catches my gaze, "Uh... sorry lass, can't control it." I turn and look back at the road in front of us, I start moving my hips back and forth slowly, and soap tenses up more. soap groans in my ear as I keep the same slow pace grinding against him creating friction. his arms pull me closer and against him harder as he mumbles in my ear, "Fuckk... y/n".

   Ghost's eyes dart up to the mirror to make sure Soap isn't doing anything weird with you on his lap being the pervert he is. Everything seems fine it's just a bumpy ride, but then he hears it, a slight moan from soap. barely audible. Ghost spins his head back around and sees Soap's face, it's red and he's clearly in heat. "pull over the car price." ghost hisses. "I'll stop at the next gas station ghost we cant just stop in the middle of the highway" Ghost nods and sighs while putting his eyes back on johnnys face.

   Finally, the car comes to a stop at a gas station and everyone gets out to stretch their legs. before anyone can even say anything ghost grabs Soap's shoulders pushing him against the car, I watch as his fist connects with Soap's face and a loud groan from Soap as he clutches his now blood-soaked nose.

      I rush up to Soap and hug him while getting some cloth from my pocket and bringing it up to his nose which is already turning a dark shade of blue and purple. "fuckin hell, I think e' broke it" Soap says while wincing. I look over at ghost angrily.

"Boys, what the fuck is going on!" Price yells.

    Ghost looks up at Price at the same time. "nothing sir" Ghost says. "that was definitely nothing Lieutenant! Ghost you will be having a talk with me when once we arrive at the safe house before the mission, this bullshit could get you a dishonorable discharge." gaz looks between me, ghost, and Soap, and he starts smirking knowing what's going on.

   Price also seems to catch on a bit after Gaz leans over and whispers over to him. "y/n, sit with Gaz this time." price orders. I nod, feeling embarrassed with myself. 

   As we finish filling up the jeep with gas I get in the back of the car onto Gaz's lap and sit patiently for the long car ride ahead of us.

    every now and then I look up to see ghost staring at me, it brings butterflies to my stomach, every kiss and touch I have with him makes my stomach feel like fireworks. I never i thought I could feel this way about someone, I think I might even love Simon but I don't even know what we are. All we've done is kissed and fucked but what if it's not genuine? what if I'm just another body to him not someone he wants a relationship with? I think I'm going to talk to him at the safe house. I need to know what he feels for me.

  After some time we finally arrive at the heli and get ready for our long ride, I toss my bag up into the aircraft and grab the hand of the pilot as he pulls me in, ever since the gas station incident I've been feeling conflicted. I love Simon but I also have strong feelings for soap and that's been occupying my mind for the past hour.

   I sit down next to Ghost and across from Soap, me and soaps knees barely touch because of how cramped and small the heli is. he gives me a small smile and I notice ghost starts to tense again.

    Around 2 hours into the ride, almost everyone is asleep except me, soap, and ghost, I lean in on his shoulder as the sleepiness starts to catch up with me. he doesn't seem to mind me leaning on him but Soap looks pissed off. I do my best to ignore it and drift off.

1637 Words

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