12. Please wake up

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Soaps POV

    It's been nearly a month since we rescued y/n. That night will never leave my head, as she passed out from blood loss in my arms it felt like my life was leaving me too. sounds cheesy and shit but I can't help it or control my feelings for y/n.

   When we arrived back to the base the doctors informed us that she was in a coma and were unsure if she would wake up or not. that broke me, but even more, it broke ghost. he comes out of his room even less now and for the first time, I even saw a tear in his eye as they brought her into the 141 bases hospital from the public hospital.

   I hardly leave her small room, The beeping from her heart monitor just plays in my head over and over and sometimes it starts to flatline. when that happens I've never felt more panicked in my life. 

    ghost hasn't visited once which surprised me but also didn't surprise me. most of the time gaz and Konig keep me company while I watch over y/n, I don't want her to wake up with nobody there and think we left her. doctors already said she will start to panic and maybe have some memory loss when she wakes up so being alone would make that worse.

   Besides her not waking up, my biggest fear is she will lose all her memory which the doctors said was a possibility, it can be temporary but in some cases it's permanent. all those times we were sitting on the couch, her curled up sweetly in my arms because of the cold, all those memories will be lost. I can't lose that.

  I look over and see Gaz knocking twice on the wooden door frame, "Hey big guy, price wants us In his office for a bit."

  I let go of y/n's hand and followed Kyle down the hallway to Price's office.

"nice of you two to join us." price says while taking a long drag from his cigar.

 "Soap, me gaz, and Konig will be gone for 4 days on a mission to eliminate a drug lord in Afghanistan, I would like you to remain here with ghost and watch over the base and shadow until she's awake."

  "yes sir."

  I look around the small room and take a deep breath while sitting up. 

"is that all sir?"

"yes, Sargeant. you're dismissed."

   I nod and walk out the door with Konig following close behind. 

  "Please make sure to eat john, ja?" 

  "I'll try Konig."

    I walk back off to my room not feeling in a very chatty mood to strike up a conversation with Konig or to go eat right now. I honestly haven't had much of an appetite the whole time y/n has been in the hospital, it almost feels wrong to eat while she's suffering and fighting for her life and eating out of a fucking tube.

   I get changed into some black sweatpants and a white tank top and make my with my blanket back to the hospital unit y/ns is being held in. The nurses saw me in here often and set up a cot next to her bed for me so I can sleep next to her and keep an eye on her in case anything happens. 

  Around 10 at night, I finally fall asleep while holding her hand, I feel peaceful, too peaceful.

   Her hand twitches, it immediately wakes me up and I hope for the best, I want her to wake up and come back to me. I honestly don't even care if Ghost has her anymore because all that matters to me right now is that she's alive.

  Her hand twitches more but then the beeping on the monitor starts beeping rapidly, her body is shaking and I panic holding her down while pressing the emergency button on the side of her bed to get help from nurses. seconds later 2 nurses run in and start holding her down while injecting her with something.  

  "SHE'S GOING INTO SHOCK BRING OUT MORE SEDETIVES! Mr. Mactavish you need to go! now!"

  I want to protest but I know I'm just getting in the way of them saving her life. As I start to walk out of the room more doctors rush into her room.

  The last thing I hear before they slam the door in my face is the sound of a flatline. my heart sinks. I look through the small window on the door to see what's going on and she's no longer shaking, she's still. too still. the monitor can still be heard flat-lining from her heart-stopping. mine does too.

    I sink to my knees, and the tears start rolling down my face and don't stop. I've lost her? Is she really gone? Is this some sick prank?

    I sit there in my own depression for a few minutes until my sadness turns into anger. ghost didn't visit her once, fucking once and now she's gone. she loved him. She would've wanted him to visit but he's been sitting on his ass in his room. I know I shouldn't care but I do, no matter how much I hated him being with her he should've still visited y/n before it was too late.

  I stand up wiping my face off with the back of my hand. I stomp over to ghost's room and don't knock. I slam open the door and push him against the wall.

  "Johnny what the fuck!"

   "y/n is dead! She's fucking dead and you didn't have the balls to visit her once! not fucking once!"

  The tears are back on my face as I keep slamming ghost against the wall. he doesn't stop me. he's dead silent and there's nothing behind his eyes. not even pain or sadness. I feel disgusted just looking at him right now. feels like he never even cared.

    I unhand ghost and he still doesn't say a word. I just walk out of his room and back to the hospital. I need to see her one last time as much as it may hurt.

  I swing open the door and see her lying on the same hospital bed, I'm about to start crying again but then I see something. her chest is rising and falling. shes breathing.

  I put my hand over my mouth and run over to the side of her bed and grabbed her hand. the nurse walks in smiling at me.

"wha-what happened? I thought she was gone, for good?" 

 The nurse nods her head.

"yes sir she was gone, for a whole five minutes in fact but she's a survivor, it's honestly a miracle given her state. we gave her emergency CPR and electroshock and she started breathing on her own again. She is very very lucky. it gives me more hope that she will wake up."

  I squeeze her hand and look at her lying down. her body looks so weak from being bedridden for a month but her will is strong. She died for 5 whole minutes but came back from the dead. my tough girl.

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