11. Wrath

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SA warning

Soaps POV

   I can't believe we let this happen to y/n, I can't believe Simon let this happen to y/n. the longer I think about it the more my blood boils. As of now, it's been 3 weeks since her capture and 0 leads. you'd think an elite task force would be able to find a person by now but no.

   Every time I think about the call from Hassan with the video of Shadow being tortured I want to throw up. he's a sick fuck and I want to be the one to kill him. Y/n doesn't deserve pain, she doesn't deserve any of this, I just want to save her. I want her to be safe in my arms knowing damn well ghost couldn't keep her safe on one small mission.

   Me and Ghost are both pretty much healed, though he's been doing physical therapy for his leg to get back in action. He should be ready within 2 weeks, thankfully for me my back isn't a big problem unless it comes to hand-to-hand combat.

   Laswell has been working on trying to find her day in and day out with me by her side. I don't know what Ghost has been doing but most of the time he's sulking in his room not forgiving himself. I have never seen him like this he must have really loved y/n but I also feel like if that was the case he would be doing anything he could to help find her instead of staying in a regretful depression.

1 week later

   " Special Forces 141 please report to Laswell's office immediately, trainees stay put." Price's voice booms over the PA.

  I walk into Laswell's office which smells of cigar smoke from price, that can't be good. price only smokes this heavy when he's stressed about something.

   "price please tell me you have a lead on where Hassan is keeping y/n," Ghost says, his voice is cracked like he hasn't talked in days.

   "We have a lead, a big lead in fact from a slip-up in another video Hassan sent us. Men, I'm going to show you the video but you can't freak out ok? we're doing everything we can and we might even be able to get her today."

   We nod along with Price and he turns his computer to us hitting play. I cover my mouth with my hand immediately in shock.

   It is a video of a man, maybe mid 40's, leaning y/n over a table while she's cuffed and sexually violating her. her cries of pain can be heard throughout the video as she begs him to stop. there are bruises and cuts all over her small body from the weeks of torture she's endured.

  I look over at ghost, his face is covered in sweat and his arms are turning a pale ghostly white. Alejandro and Konig are looking away and Gaz has tears in his eyes.

  "why the fuck did you show us this price! what the fuck is wrong with you!" I yell.

   "I needed you guys to know what situation Shadows in but also what's in the video, look at the window In the back. see that building there? recognize it?"

  I lean forward and take a closer look, it's an odd-shaped building but I do recognize it.

    "price this isn't far, we saw this building on the way here so she's really close then. we need to get her now I'm not wasting another second."

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