27. Jealousy

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Ghosts POV

   Rage. Fucking rage.

   I went into town with Price and the others to gather some food and alcohol for tonight to celebrate Soap finally getting well enough after a near-death accident. Despite the arguments I still consider Johnny one of the people im closer to besides Price and y/n so I feel something I haven't felt in a long time on my way back to the safe house. Excited.

    That all changes when I walk in.

   I step into the small house and notice the bright TV turned on with a movie I don't recognize playing and on the couch lays soap with y/n on top of him. Both fast asleep. I know they cuddle up sometimes as friends and don't mind that much but something feels different this time. They both look exhausted and have small smiles on their faces. Did they?

    Y/n / Shadows POV

      Im not sure how much time has passed since I fell asleep on the couch but I know it has been quite a while when I hear the small chattering of Gaz and konigs voices in the kitchen connected to the living room and look out the window to see darkness. I yawn and sit up taking in my surroundings and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

    Es sieht so aus, als wäre Dornröschen endlich wach (Looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake) Konig laughs.

   I smile and nod to him while getting off of Johnny whos still passed out and make my way into the kitchen to sit down with the others that are engaging in some kind of drinking game. I take a seat between Konig and Price and start pouring myself a cup of scotch and joining the game.

   "God damn price this is some quality scotch." I say quietly.

   I look over at Johnny who's turning in his sleep after I say that. I look back to Price and raise an eyebrow.

   In his tipsy state Price giggles and taps my shoulder.

   "watch this.-

    "Holy hell this is some good ass scotch!" Price says raising his voice a tiny bit.

    I look back to Johnny and he is already sitting up and glaring at all of us.

  "So, you got scotch and didn't tell me?" He says sarcastically angrily.

   We all laugh and deal soap into the game with us and all go for 2 rounds of shots. Even Price who rarely likes to get drunk.

   After a few more rounds of me beating everyone's ass and getting drunk to the point of slurring words, it really starts to get late and I feel kind of sick. soap who is even drunker than me somehow reads the cue on my face and comes around to my side of the table. he picks me up and waves to everyone.

"been fun gents but this ones about to pass out." he chuckles.

   He gently carries me back to the room and the last thing I see before I bury my head into his shoulder is ghosts glaring eyes of pure anger. Soap places a small kiss on my forehead and I fall back asleep right there in his arms before we even reach the bedroom.

  I wake up around 3 am with a pounding headache in my skull and feel like I'm going to be sick. I really need to lay off drinking that much for a while. I wiggle out of Johnny's arms and stumble from his bed and make my way into the small kitchen.

    There isn't much light illuminating the small kitchen but it's enough to find the fridge and pour myself a cold glass of water. I'm facing the counter and as I set the empty glass down I feel arms snake around my waist. I giggle and lay my head back thinking it's Johnny but frown when I see the familiar skull mask. 

     Recently, I've found it in myself to not be as mad about what happened since I know how people can make mistakes and should always be given a second chance, but it still pisses me off that he thinks I belong to him.

  "Why are you up." He whispers coldly.


   "I want to talk with you y/n. come outside with me for a smoke."

    I sigh and decide to get it over with and walk out onto the porch with him and snag a cigarette from his pocket. He raises an eyebrow at me but doesn't say anything.

   I place it on my lips and he lifts his mask a bit doing the same and lights mine before his. The orange embers emitting off of the end are beautiful.

   "what can I do y/n." He says almost sadly.

   "what do you mean?"

   He turns to look at me.

   "what can I do for you to forgive me? you don't understand. I will do anything."

  "i-i don't know, Simon."

    I watch him perk up at me calling him by his name rather than call sign. I guess it has been a while since I have.

  He stomps out his cigarette and stands up. I do too thinking we are going back inside but he grabs my arm before I can walk through the door. He pulls me to him and wraps me in a tight hug. his massive figure engulfing my small body. I forgot how nice this feels. it almost feels natural to my body. like this is where it's supposed to be. 

   "Even if you can't forgive me, Know that I won't stop trying to win back your love, know that I will do anything for you as right now your are my very being."

   I can feel his body shake a bit. and hold me tighter. it's like he's scared I'll disappear into thin air, he's scared to lose me.

   I pull back a bit from him and cup his half-uncovered face in my warm hands, looking him in the eyes.

    "Simon, I do forgive you."

     I see a faint smile form on his lips and I lean in to kiss him softly on the lips. Was that a mistake? I have never stopped fully loving him and knew It was hurting me after what he did but why does it feel like I've made an even bigger problem now? Is it because of Johnny?

   I remove my hands from his face and say goodnight before making my way back in. 

    Y/n didn't know, but secretly soap had woken up when she moved from his arms and followed her out, watching her and ghost through the window. seeing everything.

1100 Words

A/n: Lol sorry for slow updates been hella busy and got expelled


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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