2. The new recruit

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Captain Price POV

   Just an hour earlier one of the men from a base near us delivered documents to me with the name of a young girl Y/n. I looked over at everything and noticed it was quite impressive and she snipes. our team has been needing another sniper since soap is the only current one. konig is too but we can't have him sniping during missions due to his size, unfortunately.

     I decided to schedule a meeting with miss y/n and see how she gets along with the other members and watch her hand-to-hand combat before making a final decision to let her onto my team. I care about everyone deeply which is why I need her to get along with them or there will be further conflict. my main concern right now is ghost. he can be very brutal with new recruits.

     I call the boys into my office so they all get a chance to look over her documents and files to see what they think of her, I need everyone's opinion on this. it's not every day we get a new member but currently, with the missions and war against Hassan, we need all the new blood we can get.

     Gaz, soap, Alejandro, Simon, and Konig walk into my office and take a seat around my desk. "what is this about sir?" ghost speaks. "as all of you men know, we have been having trouble catching Hassan and his missiles. we need all the help we can get. so recently I have been reaching out to other task forces asking for the best of the best and all I have looked through so far has been unimpressive or not what we are looking for. that was until today, will you please all take a look at her file and tell me what you think." I say to them as I extend my hand with the file in it and pass it to ghost. he takes a look at the file and nods which surprises me considering he's usually a complete hardass. ghost then passes it to soap who immediately looks at her profile picture.

   "aye, she's a pretty lass! I say we let her in!" soap exclaims and konig nods with him. ghost nudges soap with his elbow. "did you even read over the rest of her files?"

   mctaverish's face blushes with red, "I was getting to that but you didn't give me a chance!" he says sheepishly while his face is going as red as a tomato.

As the rest of the team looks over her file nodding in agreement I know it is settled, I reach out to the other task force asking them to deliver her in 1 hour so we can have an official meet. they agree. Her code name is Shadow.

Y/n / shadows POV

   The car ride over to the other base wasn't too long but was quite painful with all the bumps on the dirt road. As I stepped out of the vehicle I was greeted by the mole on our side who goes by the name of Joss. "Captain Price is already awaiting you so I suggest you get a move on and meet the pilot at the helipad," he says rudely. I nod and make my way through a corridor up a few flights of stairs. I reach the rooftop door almost out of breath and I'm greeted by the pilot.

"Hello ma'am, the ride should only be about 2 hours so feel free to take a nap on the ride or just watch the view. Captain Price is quite excited to meet you." says the pilot. I nod and take a big step onto the aircraft and buckle up. As we start to lift off I look at the view from above, it's beautiful. I decide to take the pilot up on his offer and take a small nap.

   I awaken with a sudden jolt as my head hits the wall of the helicopter, fuck. I rub the back of my head and look out the side window, the pilot says through the coms- "were landing now so straighten up soldier, and watch your head" he chuckles to himself and I do too a little. as were getting lower and lower to the group I make out a faint outline of 2 men near the landing zone on the roof. I'm assuming one of them is captain price but I'm not sure about the other guy.

  as the helicopter hits the ground with another sudden jolt I wrap my hand into the strap of my duffel bag and swing open the aircraft door. As I do I'm greeted with the hand of a man wearing a navy green bucket hat and a cigar in his other hand. he reaches for me and helps me down out of the helicopter as another man in a skull mask grabs my bag while glaring at me. What the hells is his problem??

"hello there y/n, I'm Captain Price. hope the ride wasn't too bumpy eh? he says with a hearty chuckle. I shake my head. "no sir it was ok".

  as we move away from the landing zone the pilot salutes Price and takes off into the air again back to his base.

"it's nice to finally meet you shadow, I must say your file was quite impressive indeed," Price says. I nod and thank him when I notice out of the corner of my eye the man in the skull mask is still staring and holding my bag.

  price gestures towards the masked man, "This right here is ghost, he's going to introduce you to the others and get you situated in your room. Tomorrow I will watch you do hand-to-hand combat and see if you're a good fit for the team." says price, I nod and turn back towards ghost who gestures his hand towards the door.

"I'd introduce you myself but I have quite the workload right now so I trust that ghost with give you a warm welcome". I nod and thank Price again before heading down the stairs. As we walk down ghost tosses my bag to me and we make our way to what seems like a living room, it's not too big but it has 2 couches, a love seat, and a TV with a gaming setup. "this is already way better then my old base" I say to ghost. he just grunts and turns towards the men sitting on the couch. there are 4 of them sitting there.

   shadow this is your current team ghost finally speaks, his voice is a thick rough British accent that's almost attractive but I try not to get distracted.

"hello lass!" a man with a mohawk says. "my name is John McTavish but call me Soap," he says shaking my hand. I allow myself to giggle, "soap"? I say, "Why that code name?" I was smiling for the first time in months upon hearing his name.

"aye we don't talk about that!" he says in a thick Scottish accent. 

   another man approaches me, he's tall, like really tall, if I had to guess I'd say at least 6,8 to 6,10. I gulp. I'm only 5,2 so this man is a mountain compared to me, my height is just a little higher than his stomach.

   He shakes my hand softly almost like he's shy and mutters, "Hallo, ich bin konig". his voice is light but has an obvious german or Austrian accent, he has a strong scent of cinnamon and pine coming from him which is intoxicating to my nose.

  I speak a bit of German myself that I had learned from previous missions with Hassan so I respond back in German, "O-oh hallo ich bin shadow aber du kannst mich anrufen y/n". I say with a horrible accent. he looks at me almost shocked and a smile creeps up my face at his sudden change of emotion, "ah so you can speak German?" he says. "just a little from previous missions, definitely not fluent" I laugh.

   as I'm greeted by the other 2 men Alejandro who is quite charming, and Gaz who is very chipper, I start to feel the tiredness of today creep up on me so ghost takes me to my room. upon opening the door I was shocked, it was definitely a lot bigger than my old one and had a queen-sized bed in the corner with a couch on the other side of the room.

   I nod to ghost and he walks out. i pass out onto my bed almost immediately with a smile on my face knowing my new team is welcoming and nice.

however, my smile starts to fade as I remember this is a mission and I must keep my head in the game. I fall asleep and get a full night's rest for the first time in a long time.

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