4. The bar

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   I wasn't quite sure what I should wear for going out, I had packed all my clothes but I didn't really have anything for special occasion. As I dug through my duffel bag a bit more I came across a pretty black dress, it had spaghetti straps and went halfway up my thighs. it was pretty short but I had nothing better to wear anyway. I put on the dress and it hugged my thighs and showed off my hourglass curves, I was happy with the way it looked. I went over to my vanity to put on some simple makeup, just mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss.

  as I stepped back a bit I admired myself in the mirror, for once I felt like I was hot, my long black straight hair and emerald green eyes were striking with the mascara on my lashes. I heard a knock at my door and soaps voice yelling from behind it.

"y/n! it's time to go." I walked out the door and soaps jaw practically hit the floor. he was staring and I wasn't bothered by it, I liked it. I took a look at what Soap was wearing, it was a white button-up with the sleeves rolled up and black dress pants. soap looked hot. his muscles were really showing through his shirt and I noticed a small tattoo on his shoulder. I shouldn't be attracted to soap but in that moment I definitely was.

  I held soaps arm as we walked out to the living room where the others were finishing getting ready, I looked over at ghost and he was wearing the same thing as soap but he didn't have the skull on his face this time, he was just wearing his balaclava with skull print on it and he looked just as amazing as soap, I for once got a closer look at his eyes and they were a striking dark blue color that I felt like I could get lost in. I wonder why he wore a mask. 

  the others came and sat around and all pretty much had the same reaction as soap when they saw me which made my face go red, I liked the attention though, it was the first time I felt like I wasn't overlooked and ignored which made me happy.

Soaps POV

   I finished getting all nice and ready for the bar tonight feeling excited that I'd get my long-awaited drink that I haven't in a while, I almost forgot to grab y/n while I was lost in thought. I walked up to her door and let her know it was time to go. when she opened it I couldn't help but stare. y/n looked amazing and I had never seen her this way. I have to admit I've had a small crush on her since she came here, there was just something about her. All the girls I've been with at the base were just girls to add to my body count, but when I saw y/n for the first time I felt an overwhelming urge to just be there for her and protect her. I just want to get to know her better and make her mine before any of these other guys get to her.

  I had noticed ghost stares at her a lot and I'm not sure if it was because he likes her or doesn't like her but I needed to try my best to keep her away from him. My feelings for y/n just get stronger every single time I talk to her or just see her.

  earlier today when she had me in the chokehold I can't lie I was turned on like hell from it and it made me so lost in thought I didn't even realize I was running out of air. of course, I'm never going to admit that to her though. Tonight at the bar even if I'm drunk out of my mind I'm going to do my best to keep her away from the others. I don't know how they feel about her but the looks they gave her when she walked into the living room I can take a hint. I need her to be mine.


   As we finished all getting ready to go and found the bar on the GPS we hopped into the car. it was a 6 seater and there were 7 of us, I thought someone was going to have to stay behind when Price told me I should sit on someone's lap. my first thought was to go to Soap since I was the closest to him out of everyone but as we all got seated and I started to climb in GHOST pulled me onto his lap. I was shocked to say in the least and I was about to go back and sit in soaps lap anyway knowing this would be a long car ride and Ghost didn't seem to really like me anyway but when I looked to the back seat soap was already crammed back there with gaz so I had no choice. price was driving with Alejandro in shotgun, in the middle row it was me on Ghost's lap and Konig to the right of us, and in the back was soap and gaz.

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