25. Soaps Gone...

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         I cry into soap's chest, clutching onto his clothes as I see the color in his eyes start to turn grey. Their beautiful hue became a dull picture in my mind.

   Were so close to exfil but I don't think it will be close enough.

   The shallow breathes that I once felt while laying on him come to a stop.

" no."


   I choke out a sob as his body stops fighting for him to survive after it gave up on him and me. 

   What will I do without him?

    I remember every little thing he's done for me. letting me come to his room on sleepless nights, holding me in his arms when I was fighting tears and panic attacks. standing up for me when nobody else would.

   I never had a friend like soap. and I don't think I will again.

  Should I just turn myself into my brother and get it over with? coping with the pain I feel mentally with physical pain?

   It sounds stupid but there's nothing more that I'd like to do than join soap.

   Tears continue to slide down my face and neck covering me with them. I can hear Alejandro in the front seat blinking rapidly and breathing fast too like he is trying to hold back pain.

   I lay Johnny's head in my lap and play with his hair. if he's gone at least I got to be there with him. That still doesn't take away my pain and heartache though.

  After what feels like forever we pull into the lot of the safehouse.

   Price immediately comes running out with 2 base doctors and they take soap from my grasp.

   I fall to my knees and just look at the ground. That is all I can do.

   Before they haul him off into some empty room to document his cause of death I rush over and give him a kiss on his forehead.

    "I love you, Johnny."

   I meant it. I really meant it. he's been there for me since day one. I wouldn't be who I am without his kindness.

   The expression on the nurses face starts to change, from sorrow into shock leaving me in confusion.

   "hey, we got a pulse!" The nurse yells.

   My heart skips a beat.

    "h-he's not dead?" I ask shaking.

     "He was for 2 minutes, but this boyfriend of yours is quite the fighter. his heart's not giving up yet."

    he didn't give up on me. he didn't give up on me.

   I start to cry again but this time it isn't of pain and anguish it's of happiness.

     He's fighting not only for him but for me. I might get to feel the warmth of his body against mine again. That thought alone gets me to come up from my knees.

   I turn and look at Price smiling brightly. he's just as happy as I am.

   As he notices my gaze he steps forward and holds me to him in a lung-crushing hug but fuck, did I need it. I hug him back while getting his shirt wet with my tears but I don't care.

    Johnny's Alive.

2 Days Later

    The nurses were able to stabilize Soap and put him to rest in a room in the safe house next to mine. we moved to a bigger one where we could fit medical equipment and have a place for the nurses to sleep too.

   Every day when we are not looking at the intel and trying to find leads, I sit by his side and watch him peacefully sleep as his body does the job of recovering him. 

 they did have to do a blood transfusion so that's why he's been so sleepy but the nurse said he should be up in a day or 2 and on bed rest for a week.

   It dawns on me that it's getting way too late and I decide to head back to my room and catch up on some much-needed sleep and take a hot shower.

   I open the door to soap's room and walk into mine next door.

   Before I can turn on the lights I see a shadow on my bed, sitting on the edge of it lying down with their hands behind their back.

   "Get the fuck out of my room ghost," I say coldly. I've had enough of his bullshit and him thinking he owns me.

   He sits up from the bed and that's when I'm hit with the distinct scent of booze coming off of him.

   Why the hell is he drinking right now?

   He walks up next to me so our chests are almost touching and I don't break eye contact with him.

   "why the fuck did soap kiss you during the mission. have you forgotten no distractions soldier? Did you forget that there was a mission and were too busy trying to get in his pants?" He says while glaring at me. his gaze isn't clear though and he's obviously drunk.

   "what the fuck ghost? It was a cover-up so we wouldn't die!"

    "What a convenient cover-up. too bad it didn't work because now look at the condition your little boyfriend is in. brat."

    He starts walking towards the door and I mutter under my breath-


  In a quick and calculated move, he spins around and pins me with his arm on my neck against the wall.

   "g-get off me," I say struggling to breathe.

    "you. are. mine. Don't forget that love." He says letting out a deep chuckle.

   He walks out and shuts the door behind him leaving me alone in my room more pissed off than before.

956 Words

A/N: Sorry not sorry, I'll make it up to ya'll with some smut coming up soon😘


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