13. Hopeful

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Soaps POV

    it's been another 3 weeks of her being in the coma, and I'm starting to get worried. though she may move occasionally doctors said that doesn't mean she's waking up. ghost still hasn't visited once but Gaz brings in new flowers every other day and gets rid of the old ones.

   I've hardly slept more than 3 hours every night trying my best to stay awake for her. I'm hopeful she will wake up soon. doctors said if she doesn't in another 3 weeks they have to pull the plug. I can't fucking let that happen I can't lose her like this.

   It's around 11 at night almost everyone's in bed asleep right now for a small upcoming mission, thank god I get to skip out.

   My phone starts buzzing-

    141 Dad (Price): soap please come to my office.

   I sigh and reluctantly get up to make my way over to the old man's office. wonder what it is this time.

  I open the door and take a seat near his desk." needed me sir?"   

   "yes! So John, I know you want to stay and watch Shadow but small problem."

  I tilt my head looking at him confused about what's wrong.

   "What's the issue cap?"

   "so, this small mission me and the other boys are going on tomorrow turns out it's not that small. we received more intel on the files were supposed to gather and apparently there being heavily guarded and I need a sniper for backup. I can't have anyone else do it because they will be on the front lines and obviously y/n is in no shape. I need you with us MacTavish."

   My blood runs cold. I can't go. I can't leave her again.

  "But sir, I have to stay with y/n I can't go."

   "I wasn't asking MacTavish, it's an order."

   I don't say another word. I leave his office pissed off. what if she wakes up? She's going to be all alone with none of us there, I can't miss her waking up but I can't ignore orders. fuck.

  I make my way down to the kitchen, I need some fucking food I haven't eaten in days and this is the only time I've felt hungry in so long.

   I make myself a small bowl of Gaz's cereal and sit down with my thoughts eating slowly.

   I can't even stay with y/n tonight, I need all the sleep I can get for a mission and I haven't been able to in there, I need to stay in my own room.

    I toss my empty bowl in the sink and step out of the kitchen walking down the long hallways. I stop in front of ghost's door because I hear something. sounds like moaning? what the hell?

    As I'm questioning what's going on it's answered for me. the door nob to his bedroom turns and some young pretty blonde girl slips out pushing past me. I look back and she's carrying her bra and underwear.

   Unfucking believable. ghost had a fucking barrack bunny in his room. what about y/n? did he just forget about her? For all I know they were together and as much as I hated it I want y/n to just be happy but this fucker doesn't.

    someone starts closing the door and I put my foot in the doorway to stop it and look up seeing ghost's skull mask. I shove past him into his room. He just stares at me, with cold, empty eyes.

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