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Brad was a little bitter about his brother's relationship with Atira even after all those years. He'd had a huge crush on Atira in high school, she was two years younger than him but was in a few advanced classes with him.

She was incredibly smart. Book smart anyway, because she clearly had no common sense when it came to relationships. She was also sweet and pretty as hell with her soft face, doe-like brown eyes, and blond hair.

Brad had been fairly certain that Atira had liked him as well. They'd often partnered up on class assignments and she'd make small talk with him when they passed one another in the hallways.

When they'd paired up for their debate project, he'd suggested working outside of school over as a way to get to know her. He'd suggested her house but it had been in the process of remodeling, so they went to his house. Krist was never home so he hadn't thought about him trying to interfere or flirt with her. In hindsight, he should have suggested the library.

To his dismay, Krist came home at a normal hour the first afternoon that Atira had come over. Brad recalled making eye contact with his brother and receiving a smug grin from him. Krist strolled into the kitchen, smelling like too much cologne and weed.

"What are you working on B-Rad?" Krist asked with a smirk. He loathed that nickname. Krist had seen Malibu's Most Wanted and started calling Brad "B-Rad" to be "funny".

"Debate class," Brad muttered to him.

"Oh yeah?" Krist smirked, opening the fridge, "Anything interesting?"

Atira glanced over at his brother, he could see her smiling from behind her hand.

"Nothing you would understand, Krist," Brad told him.

Krist smirked at him, the same way Rocco smirked when he was about to do something he wasn't allowed. "Can't believe they made you work with this lame," he told Atira with a chuckle before walking out of the kitchen.

Brad rolled his eyes and sighed. "Ignore him," he muttered.

"I didn't know he was your brother," Atira told him, her eyes following Krist as he walked upstairs. Brad, at the time, had taken it as she also thought Krist was a loser, the way she stretched the word "he". He looked back, realizing that she'd already liked, and been aware of Krist.

Krist began lingering around every time she was there, making smart-ass comments and jokes at Brad's expense. When she'd leave, he'd make disgusting comments about "Can't wait to fuck your girl," and "You think she swallows?"

One afternoon, he'd finished with track practice and came home to Atira already over, sitting with Krist in the kitchen. His brother had been leaned back in one of the dining room chairs, hands behind his head, his eyes low. He was telling Atira something about "You know, you don't need to be shy around me."

Krist's eyes locked onto Brad's, a smirk on his face. If Brad had been a violent person, he would have laid Krist out right then and there. "Sup, Brad," he grinned and rose to his feet, turning his smile towards Atira. "Hope to see more of you."

"Byeee," Atira replied in a soft, almost flirtatious manner, her ivory cheeks flushed pink.

"He wasn't bothering you, was he?" Brad asked, having a hard time keeping the hint of jealousy from his voice.

"Not at all, your brother is really funny," Atira told him.

"He's something," Brad replied.

The rest of their afternoon, Atira continuously glanced over Brad's shoulder as if anticipating Krist walking into the room.

When Atira had gone home, Brad let himself into his brother's room, finding him standing in front of the mirror, taking shirtless selfies. Krist had jumped, startled, and then pretended he hadn't been taking pictures of himself.

"Sup, Brad, did my girl go home?" he asked, that same smirk on his face.

"You need to back off," Brad warned.

Krist laughed, "Bruh, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of her. Watch. You ain't gonna do shit about it."

"You're only paying her any attention because you know I like her," Brad pointed out.

"And? Not my fault you got whack-ass game," Krist teased.

Brad could feel himself becoming enraged, "I'm asking you nicely, you know I like her."

Krist pulled a plain white shirt over his head, "You know she ain't even interested in you like that," he told him smugly.

Brad felt himself snap, swinging at his brother, making contact with the side of Krist's face. Brad was taller and had reach on him but Krist was more quick and managed to grapple Brad to the floor, getting him into a chokehold.

"I'm home," Linda called from downstairs.

Krist released his brother, "You're fuckin' lucky mom's home," he hissed in a low voice as they climbed to their feet.

Brad straightened his polo shirt, "You just wait until tomorrow, I'm going to beat your ass," he told Krist in a hushed whisper.

Krist laughed, "Yeah, okay, bro. Get your bitch ass out of here," he swiped at the back of Brad's head.

The two had been at odds since they were small children, pretty much as soon as Krist could walk. Even as a toddler, he was difficult to get along with. Krist was constantly crying or throwing tantrums, and Brad felt like their mother gave his younger brother special treatment because he was, well, a spoiled brat.

Linda always assured her boys that even though they fought, they would eventually become friends and cherish one another.

Of course, that hadn't happened as the brothers grew older. It was hard for Brad to like someone who constantly caused tension and chaos in the home. Living with Krist as a teenager was like walking on eggshells. He had an explosive temper and took it out on things around the house by breaking things, putting holes in walls, etc. If he wasn't destroying things, he would try to physically fight with Brad and Bill.

It didn't help that Krist did the bare minimum and got praised for it. Krist went a week without contact from the school or skipping class. Great job. Krist got a C? Way to go! Meanwhile, Brad was getting straight A's and got little to no praise.

Linda had explained to Brad that she felt that Brad knew he was doing a good job in his studies and didn't need the encouragement. Krist struggled and Linda thought the praise would motivate him. Krist didn't freaking struggle, he just was lazy and didn't give a shit.

Sure Bill and Linda had purchased Brad's first car but Linda constantly gave Krist money, even when he was strung out and homeless. Linda hadn't sent Brad money when he was in college, other than for holidays or birthdays. She would say "I don't want him on the street or in jail," when anyone would bring up that she's just paying for Krist's drug habit.

So was Brad jealous of his brother? In some sense, absolutely. Jealousy aside, he didn't like the prick.

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