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Those in attendance at the funeral gathered in front of the funeral home as Lainey's casket was carried out to an awaiting hearse. Krist held Atira tightly, fighting back his tears as he watched her being loaded into the back.

What would have happened had he stayed with her instead of leaving? Would she still be alive? Would Krist have ended up succumbing to addiction, leaving Rocco without a parent?

Jeordie wrapped his arm around Krist's shoulders, "I got a blunt in my car, c'mon," he told him.


"How are you holding up?" Cami asked Atira as the two of them stood in front of Atira's Subaru.

"I'm fine, it's hard seeing...Krist like that. He's been like a zombie since he found out. I'll be honest, in a stupid way, it's hard not to feel some level of jealousy," Atira admitted, "I know it's irrational, and I'm sure the pregnancy hormones aren't helping."

"I think those are valid feelings regardless," Cami assured her.

"I just wish I could do something to make him feel better," Atira said, watching Krist smoke a blunt across the parking lot.

"It's just going to take time, honey. I think it's hitting him harder because he feels so guilty he treated her when they were together."

Atira nodded, brushing her windblown hair out of her face. "He does, and her calling him the night she passed is making it that much harder for him."

Krist returned to Atira, stinking of weed, but Atira knew it was not the time to make a fuss about the smell.

"I love you, baby. I appreciate you coming out with me," he kissed her head.

"I love you, Krist."


Lainey was to be buried in a rural cemetery where several other members of her family were laid to rest. She was given her mother's pre-purchased plot next to her father's grave.

It was a dreary day with grey clouds overhead and a light drizzle misting them as they walked across the lawn.

As the four of them approached the service, Krist was greeted by Lainey's ex-boyfriend, Jonathan. "Looking healthy, bro," he told Krist.

"How you been doing, man?"

Jonathan stared into the distance, "Same ol', same ol', ya know?" he replied. "Man, I can't believe she's gone...I know she put us both through some bullshit, but, man, I ain't never wanted to see this."

"For real, dawg."

Jonathan looked to Atira, "This your wife, bro?"

Krist wrapped his arm around her waist, "My bad, dawg, yes, this is Atira."

"That's what's up. Good to see you keeping this knucklehead in check," Jonathan smiled.

"He keeps me on my toes," Atira teased.

"Good seeing you, congrats, by the way, fam."

"Who was that?" Atira whispered as they walked away.

"Friend of mine from back in the day. He was with Lainey before I knew her," Krist told her as they approached the burial service. "We sorta bonded over the trauma of our relationships."

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