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"Hey, Mom," Atira called softly as Alexandria stepped out of her vehicle.

"Well, look at you," her mother said, the friendly tone in her voice attempting to mask her true feelings.

Atira cradled her belly, "Over six months now."

"Wow, you must have gotten pregnant before your wedding. Is that what the rush was?"

Exhaling slowly, Atira shook her head, "No, I didn't even know I was pregnant until after the wedding," she said which wasn't entirely true as she had gotten the first positive test the day of the wedding. Regardless, her pregnancy status had zilch to do with their wedding.

Alexandria took in the scene, looking at the guests, the scenery, and their home. "Well, this is certainly pretty. I wasn't aware that you bought a trailer though, you know that they don't hold their value and depreciate quickly."

Atira grimaced, "Yes, I'm aware. Krist and I have discussed eventually building a home on the land in the future. Why don't you come to see the inside, it's very nice and much bigger than it looks."

Alexandria, head high in a snooty manner, "Sure, why not," she replied coolly, "Oh, yes, I've brought gifts for the baby."

She led Atira to the back of her SUV, which was full of shiny wrapped packages in varying sizes. Atira called over to Krist to have him help. He swaggered over, flashing Alexandria a cocky smile that undoubtedly made her seethe.

"It's been a long time, huh?" he smirked eyes low, dopey grin on his face.

"Yes," Atira's mother replied, avoiding Krist's gaze.

Atira was partly amused by Krist's assholeish antics but also worried her mother might say the wrong thing and he tell her off...though it wasn't like she didn't deserve it. Linda who had arrived shortly before Atira's mother walked up to help as well.

Linda was a sweetheart but despised Alexandria for sending Atira off for doing something most teenagers did-having sex and was just as much of a cocky asshole as her son, to Atira's surprise.

"Let me help you," she told Alexandria, the tiniest of a smile playing upon her lips, "Would you have expected us to be family when these two were dating in high school?"

Alexandria returned a wry smile, "I suppose not."

Krist and Linda helped Alexandria carry the gifts to a table in the tent, "There's food, you're welcome to help yourself," Atira told her mother.

Alexandria had her arms wrapped around herself, "No thanks, I've just ate. Why don't you show me your house."

Atira let out a deep breath, "Ok," she glanced over her shoulder at Krist rolling her eyes at him. In return, he flipped Alexandria off as her back was turned. Atira had to cover her mouth to prevent herself from laughing.

"Do you have any plans for this...yard?" Alexandria asked as they approached the porch.

Atira nodded, "Yes, Krist knows someone with a landscaping company who will be coming out in a couple of weeks to plant grass and even out the land."

Opening the French doors, Atira followed her mother inside, the cool breeze from the central air hitting them. Alexandria took in the home quietly before finally saying, "This is nicer than I expected."

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