The Epitome of A Living Hell

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"Back to hell." I groaned, walking into highschool with my best friend.

"I'd feel better if they just shot me." Cassie said.

"Exactly." I agreed with her.

We arrived in the cafeteria when our guy friend Taylor came running over to us.

"You are not going to believe what's going on first hour." He panted.

"Spill." Cassie demanded.

"Motionless in White is coming in to do a presentation." He squealed.

"No way." I said.

They were my favorite band in the entire world. I looked up to these guys as my heros and they've never let me down whereas most other things have.

"Yes way and I've heard that they also came here looking for a certain someone." Taylor informed us.

"School just got a bit more interesting." I said with a sly smile on my face.

Suddenly the bell rang and then from across the room I saw Josh Balz get up on the table and Ryan Sitkowski stood up next to him.

"Listen up people, we need everyone to come into the gym. Boys will enter the left and girls will come through the right. If you're under 18 you'll sit on the left side of your gender's side and if you're 18 or over you'll sit on the right side of your gender's side." Balz screamed.

Within the masses Cassie and I were pushed with the crown until we finally made it into the gym. We parted ways with Taylor and then we went to go and sit on the left side of the girl's side of the gym. About 10 minutes everyone was settled down and one more surprise came through the door. Danny Worsnop walked in.

"All guys need to come with me!" Danny screamed.

Instantly all of the guys got up and exited the gym, Danny being the last one out. Then the rest of MIW came out into the gym. Ghost, Ricky, and Chris came out and joined Balz and Ryan on the court.

"What the hell's going on?" Cassie whispered, concern in her voice.

"I don't know, but I'm starting to get a weird feeling about this." I told her.

"All girls that are 18 or over I need you to follow Balz out." Chris announced to everyone.

Right then and there about 100 girls got up and left, leaving around 250 other girls. Cassie, Taylor and I attended a pretty small school.

"If you're a virgin I need you to leave and follow the other girls out." Chris continued.

"Wait, what the hell does that have to do with anything? Where are our teachers anyways?" I stood up and asked.

"I don't think I asked you to ask questions, I said if you're a virgin get up and follow the other girls." Chris screamed back at me.

I sat down in shock, I instantly got the feeling that something was not right anymore. Why were Motionless in White even at our school in the first place, and why in the hell were they asking girls under 18 if they were virgins or not. Something wasn't adding up right.

"Bella, I have to go." Cassie told me.

"They won't know, Cas. It was an accident you told me." I replied.

"Well they seem to know a lot and I really don't want to mess with them." She admitted.

She along with about 150 other girls got up and left. Sure we had a small school, but apparently we had a lot of curious young girls.

"Who knows what a dom or a sub is?" Ricky asked.

That was it, I'd heard enough. I stood up and ran down the bleachers and straight out the gym door leading into the cafeteria. I made a dash straight to the office and only found one secretary there, looking terrified as she sat at her desk.

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