Chapter 12

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Fucking comeback, fucking content and fucking fanservice.

How harsh was that? Having to spend the next hours being all cuddly with someone who hates your guts?

Jisung was in the verge of exploding.

Today, they had an entire video to make, and they had to act as if everything was doing well. So as soon as they stepped in the studios, Minho started his "act". The one he does since a few weeks to make it seems like he's good friends with Jisung.

That brought so much confusion to Jisung and he didn't even know how to react to that.

For the sake of the content they do, he definitely acted like nothing happened.

But on the inside, he was almost bursting. What should he do? Should he be happy that Minho is giving him attention? He wanted to.

He found himself being happy at the single touch of their legs, or when Minho wrapped his arm around his shoulder, or even when he simply looked his way and smiled softly at him. It almost looked real, it almost looked like he wanted to do it.

But then, what would happen? Jisung would find himself longing for more, the touch of Minho lingering on his skin, wanting nothing more than to cross his fond gaze once more, even for a slight second.

That broke him to the core.

"Watch out, Hannie" Minho said softly, wrapping his arms around his waist, trying to be as polite as he could, and pulled him closer so he wouldn't be bumped by an overenergetic Changbin.

Jisung wanted to sob.

The 'Hannie', the soft voice, his touch, his carefulness. Everything was spiraling in Jisung's mind.

He missed this so much. But it wasn't genuine, so he knew he shouldn't take advantage of it. Eventually, it'll stop.

When they sat to do a live with everyone, he sat beside Minho. Of course. The staff always placed them together wherever they were.

He wanted nothing more than for the live to end so he could go back home and cry about the horrible day he just had.

And Jisung widened his eyes at the sweet touch he felt.

The way his hand softly brushed his leg to indicate him to stop shaking it.

As if he wasn't shaking it because of him.

The staff organized a little game. Of course, they wouldn't leave them alone.

For the first time, they hadn't decide to groups, the pairs. Jisung thought he'll finally have the occasion and stop enduring this torture.

"I'll rather be with Han Jisung" Minho said, approaching Jisung and wrapping his arm around his shoulders.

Damn. Now he was full on fanservice. 

Jisung wanted to die right there.

"Why?" Chan asked teasingly

"I don't know, we just match" Minho shrugged, pulling Jisung closer to his side.

"We do" Jisung nodded, putting on a fake smile.

But ... yeah.

Every good things come to an end.

As soon as the camera turned off and the staff got away, it started again.

Minho took some space away from Jisung, putting on a safe distance. If being hated wasn't enough, now Jisung felt completely repulsive.

The tension was back on, and Minho stopped looking his way, stopped touching him, stopped talking to him.

And the coldness in Jisung's heart hit him again like a truck.

This time, when Hyunjin asked if they should go eat together, Minho agreed, even when Jisung agreed.

Jisung got happy to know he stopped being so far, but he was still wary of how it would go.

Minho carefully chose the chair the most far away from Jisung's, and continued his everlasting ignoring.

Suddenly, Jisung lost appetite.

He got up abruptly, as his members looked at him in apprehension.

"You okay?" Changbin asked, completely uneasy.

"Um... Yeah... I'm just not that hungry" Jisung gulped, eyes quickly checking what Minho was doing.

Minho didn't look his way... of course. He lowered his head and looked at his plate.

"I should go to sleep" He continued

"Should I bring you home?" Chan asked

"No, it's okay. You eat" Jisung insisted, shaking his head

"Okay okay" Chan said nodding, but still pouting.

Most of the members still didn't know how to act. Should they take apart of their conflict? Should they make sure both of them are doing okay? How could they know if there are taking care of one but neglecting the other?

Chan was dreading this.

He felt like he was overcaring for Minho, but neglecting Jisung.

He wanted to be hopeful, he knew as soon as they'll go back to the studio, Chan will be able to take care of Jisung as well.

But what if he doesn't ? What if he fails him? Or Minho?

Jisung didn't eat that night. He went straight to bed, not even caring to pass by the bathroom, or to even change his clothes.

He cried for some time as he felt his body aching for Minho. For his attention and for the care he used to give him so much.

And he cried harder upon reading Chan's text.

"positive :( he feels bad abt it"

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