Chapter 22

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Time was passing, Minho was sobering, but his cravings didn't stop at all.

More than anything, they made him weak, in a deep struggle.

His nights started getting shorter, just like his temper. 

He felt useless, bored and annoyed, and completely dependant of others.

Sobering up had some effects on his body as well. When he wasn't too suffering from the weaning, his heart beat seemed to be generally lower, this time at a normal pace. He also thought that he started smelling things correctly, as his sense of smell had gradually degraded with all the snorting.

He also found out he had more libido than before, but it's not like he could actually take care of that point. 

He still didn't find the guts to have a walk outside, and he started feeling intoxicated in the dorms. He started hating his room, and hating the loneliness he felt.

He wasn't so alone, though.

Sometimes, his members tried to spend some time with him, they even gathered all in the dorm at Saturday's only to silently watch a movie, or to loudly talk and laugh.

Jisung would always be really silent at those times, and Minho only felt like reciprocated this behavior.

He also had convinced Felix enough that his body wasn't as much as a wreck, and they started practicing altogether in the living room. Minho would wince at the soreness and stiffness of his body, but would hide it from his friend, who would stop as soon as he notices Minho's discomfort.

But most of the times, his members had work to do. They had practices, lessons, recording, performances to do. So they couldn't be around him much during the day.

Just like right now.

He had woken up in the middle of the night, and eyes had been widened open since then. He spent most of his morning in his bed, tossing and turning, until he gave up having more sleep and decided to scroll on his phone.

A sudden idea hit him in the head. A bad idea he felt guilty of thinking.

He scrolled on his contacts, finding the number of his dealer as he stared at it for a moment.

Why not?

No! All the efforts...

It's just a bit, doesn't matter

Or you'll overdosed again...

You'll watch out next time !

Sighing, and biting his lip harshly, enough to draw blood, he contemplated.

He clicked on the contact, and called the number.

Every seconds passing and the beep of the call made Minho's heartbeat quicken.

"Oh, hi man" The man responded "Haven't heard of you for a long time"

well, your shit threw me to a coma, of course you didn't 

"H-Hi" Minho stuttered, having a hard time finding his words

man up, Minho. Just ask for it.

"Need more?" The guy continued


more than anything.

"I-" His mouth couldn't say the words.

He wanted it, needed it, but an invisible force was keeping him back.

"Minho ?" The guy called when he heard nothing from the other side.

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