Chapter 33

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Lightheaded, and with a strong need to throw up, Minho barely walked.

The first place he thought of being, was Chan's room. He hoped the latter would be there, and that maybe he'll ask for help.

But as soon as he arrived there, and saw no one in, he decided that he was damned.

He didn't need to put his friends more into his business, they already did enough. He didn't need his friends to help him more than they already did. He must give them the same energy back, which means accepting the fact that he had to go.

As he wrote his resignation letter on Chan's couch, tears rolled down his cheeks like a waterfall.

He wondered what he'll say to his members.

He wondered what he'll say to Jisung, maybe it was indeed over between them now.

He wondered what his fans would think of him.

He wondered what his family would think of him.

He wondered how his life is going to be when he has been teared away of his only passion.

Would he find a new job ? Would he be able to forget the life he used to have ? Would medias harass him every single day ?

Is he going to fall into more drugs so he can forget about the pain ?

Is he going to survive this ?

He didn't think so.

But still, he wrote the letter. Because apparently, he stopped being so selfish, and preferred thinking about his friend's life than his own.

Either way, his career would be over. The only thing he can do at this point is protect the others.

He didn't even hear when Chan entered the room, gasping at the sight.

"Min ??! Are you okay ?" He asked in total shock, hurrying to his pained friend.

Minho didn't say anything, he took some time to wipe the tears out of his face, that's when Chan realized what paper Minho was writing.

"You're kidding ?" Chan asked in shock, grabbing the paper away from Minho as the latter tried to get it. He read it, and felt his heart tightening "A resignation later ? What ?!" Chan asked, flabbergasted

"Chan, give me this back" Minho fighted back, but Chan pushed him away. There was no way he'll give him this back.

"Why ?" Chan asked, watching as Minho continued to fight for the letter, his voice coming out rather hurt.

"I- I just can't take this life anymore" Minho lied through gritted teeth, avoiding his eyes.

"That's not a good reason... I know you're stronger than that..." Chan didn't believe

"You don't know me at all, you have no idea of how much of a struggle that is. I'm a drug-whore now and I just can't take this life anymore" He continued lying, tears falling from his eyes as his words hurt himself.

"Tell the others for me, I don't think I'll be able to" Minho gulped hardly.

"But Jisung..." Chan mumbled

Minho wanted to act as if those two words didn't broke him completely.

Chan stared at him in ununderstanding, somehow frozen.

So Minho took the occasion, and snatched the paper back.

"Bye, Chan" Minho muttered, before hurrying to the door.

He couldn't, as Chan hold his wrist tightly, even hurting him, but he couldn't care at the moment.

Chan latched his arms around Minho, backhugging him tightly as he couldn't let himself let the boy disappear like that.

Minho wanted to cry more.

"Where did I fuck up ?" Chan whispered, voice trembling.

And it broke Minho's heart.

"You didn't-" He tried to explain, but only sobbed, as he let his body fall, bringing Chan with him as they collided to the floor.

Chan held him tightly for long minutes, simply waiting for Minho to speak more about it.

"Minho... please... Why ?" He asked, softly brushing his hair.

"Junseo..." He let out, voice raspy "I'm trapped"

"What ?" Chan asked, suddenly with a weird feeling.

"I don't have a choice ..." Minho continued

"What do you mean ? What choice ?" Chan blinked

Minho sighed loudly.

"He found out about the coke and all... He told me he'll publish it if I don't get out of the company by tomorrow... It'll ruin Stray Kids entirely..." Minho gulped, feeling his stomach churning more and more.

Chan hugged him tighter.

"No" He growled

"What?" He asked confusedly

"I'm calling Eunwoo, don't you dare to move. We're not going to let you go" He insisted

"But... If he publish it..." Minho said worriedly

"He won't, He can't" He said, profusely angry at Junseo.

After a few calls and a few yells from both Chan and Eunwoo, the latter hurried to the company, mad and ready to ruin someone's job.

He started by reassuring words to Minho, as the two tried to convince him to shred the paper.

"Minho, he has no rights to do that. The company is siding with you. It may cause a few problems with the medias, but he can't pay a lot and lose his job if he publishes anything, that's why he tried to manipulate you into leaving" Eunwoo explained.

And a little spark of hope rose in Minho's heart.

"I called the heads of JYPE, we'll have a discussion, okay?" Eunwoo added

"Yeah..." Minho sighed

"You wait here while we take care of it, okay ?" Chan pleaded

"Yeah... okay" Minho responded.

And for the next hours, Minho waited.

He waited for an answer, that will decide for the rest of his life.

So he laid down in Chan's couch, more tears falling down from his eyes as he hoped.

Until he eventually fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Jisung had spent an hour or so in the practice room, waiting for Minho.

Firstly, eager for the dinner. Their first dinner date since everything went down. Then, he started stressing when Minho didn't respond to any of his texts or calls.

And when the feeling of being ditched was unbearable, he went back to the dorm, wondering once again if Minho did deserve him.

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