Chapter 37

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As soon as the practice ended, Minho ran giddily to the couch to lay down beside Jisung, smiling dumbly at the boy.

"So, when are we going to talk about that kiss ?" Minho asked with a teasing smile

Jisung rolled his eyes. Minho has been pestering him about this.

"There was no kiss" Jisung defended with a pout

"I'm pretty sure I felt your lips on mine, Hannie" Minho continued the teasing, smile wider.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Jisung lied, turning his head to the other side

"Who's kissing who?" Hyunjin said, sitting on the couch as well

"Jisung's kissing Minho apparently" Jeongin shrugged

"Nothing's new, then" Hyunjin shrugged as well

"HEY" Jisung yelled, annoyed by the teasing.

"They're not wrong though" Chan joined the banter

"But he's still denying" Minho complained

"Leave the poor boy alone, he's struggling enough with his own very obvious crush on Minho" Felix added

"Why do y'all collectiely decided to piss me off ?" Jisung whined

"Cute" Minho muttered

"I'm not cute" Jisung frowned

"You are" Minho shook his head "The cutest"

"You're lying"


"Prove that I'm cute, then" Jisung said with a raise of his eyebrow

"I could kiss you" Minho flirted

"Do it pussy" Hyunjin encouraged

Both boys turned to Hyunjin, as he had seemingly interrupted their little cute loving bickering. So he bowed and left the couch.

Jisung chuckled at this, before their dance teacher came back into the room. He sighed as he stood up.

"Back to work" Jisung stated

"By the way Ji" Minho said, holding Jisung back

"Mmh ?"

"Tomorrow, it'll be 6 months since I'm clean" Minho stated, somehow proudly.

Jisung's eyes softened at that.

"You're doing so good" He said softly, smiling fondly at him.

"Wanna celebrate with me ?" Minho offered, shyly

"How ?" Jisung asked, just as shy.

"Shots and heroine ?" Minho joked, somehow wanting to stop the weird shy ambiance, and chuckled loudly when Jisung hit him at the lame joke

"Stupid ass" Jisung rolled his eyes

"Can I take you out ?" Minho invited, gazing at him with endearing eyes.

"Maybe if you're lucky you'll eat him out later on" Chan interrupted the two

Again, both of them turned to the imposter, a scowl on their face.

"Chan you're disgusting" Minho said with frown

"Absolutely unhinged" Jisung followed "Ew"

"If it was Minho that said that you would have melted" Chan responded with a roll of his eyes

"That's the 'dad' effect you have, everything you say turns out embarassing" Minho said

"What did I do in my past life to deserve this" Chan muttered as he walked away from them.

Minho turned back to Jisung with expectant eyes

"So...?" He asked

"Okay, I'll go out with you" Jisung responded

"Really ?!" Minho widened his eyes

"Why are you so stunned ?" Jisung chuckled at his expression

"No- I just wasn't expecting... Perfect then" Minho mumbled


"It's a date"

And the date went well.

As soon as they stepped outside, they could see a few people recording them, and Minho didn't even mind. He liked that they supposed they were dating, because he actually like the thought of it too.

He was slightly wary of Jisung's nervousness, but he handled it well by constantly distracting him, as well as bringing him to a cute small family restaurant, where no one could actually bug them.

"Do you naturally stuff your cheeks when you eat or did you start because of fan service ?" Minho asked with a chuckle, bringing his chopsticks to his mouth.

"I mean, I do a lot of stuff for fan service" Jisung chuckled "But this one is actually true" He admitted.

"What do you do that is purely fan service ?" He asked curiously

"Flirting with you" Jisung joked with a teasing smile, and watched Minho pouting. "No, but actually... Mmh ... acting all small and stuff I guess"

"You are a babygirl though" Minho frowned

"I mean, yeah. But being in kpop and all just accentuated my babygirl side" He chuckled "At first I didn't realize I sat with anime girls, now I just do it on purpose, you know ?" 

"Yeah, I get it" Minho nodded

"What side of fan service you hate the most ?" Jisung asked curiously

"When we have to act jealous for our stans, like the whole 'you can't see other idols' stuff. So dumb, but yeah... It's not like we actually have a choice" He shrugged

"Yeah... The whole parasocial accentuating is usually strange to me" He frowned "OH GOSH, I remember one time when a girl started openly sexually flirt with me on a fan call" He said, the memory hitting him suddenly

"Wait, for real ?" Minho frowned, disliking the idea

"Yeah" He faked a gag

"Was she banned ?" 

"Yeah" He nodded "Why? Are you jealous ?" He teased

"It's not out of jealousy actually, that's just very unplaced ... People can't realize we are humans as well" Minho seriously responded

"That's true" He nodded along.

"But I might be a little jealous as well" Minho muttered, eyes avoiding Jisung.

"You love me too much" Jisung joked

"I do" Minho responded, not joking at all.

They stared at each other for a moment, time seemingly stopping.


"Mmh ?"

"Shouldn't you bring me to your dorm ?"

"My dorm ?" And as if the information suddenly clicked in his mind, he turned back to Jisung with a subtle blush, gulping hard at the offer "OH - oh- Yeah ! Yes! Of course, Um..." He stuttered.

And for the entire walk back, Minho could only think of how his raging libido could finally have an end.

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